Part 12 Stream

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It's 1 am here, but I'm writing this anyway.
Again, sorry for so much fucking Sjin POV ;-; it's almost over, I promise :3

(Sjin POV)

"Hello, and welcome to the Yogscast, I'm here with Sjin today so say hi," I giggled in response. "And Panda!" Lewis smiled. "Hey!" Panda waved to the webcam. "And we're here playing a custom map!" Lewis continued, talking to the viewers who showed up to this completely unplanned stream. A surprising chunk of fans showed, only a little less then our normal twitch live streams.

We laughed and killed each other multiple times, in which the fans' feedback was all "lol lewis why" or just random fangirls saying stuff like "blow me a kiss you sweet bbys" and "notice me Senpai", but however random they were, they were extremely funny and heartwarming to read. It was a lot of fun having an unofficial stream to talk to the fans.

After a few more explosions and yet another set of annoyed sighs and chuckles from Panda, I heard Lewis breathe in sharply, however he didn't breathe back out. I looked from computer over at Lewis to see him completely stunned. ".. Lewis? You okay, buddy?" I questioned. He didn't seem to hear me. "Lewis?" I asked him again. He blinked back into reality and looked over at me. I could tell his smile was fake, and his face was pale.

"Y-yeah?" He stuttered, avoiding my gaze. "You okay?" I asked carefully. "Oh, yes. Y-yeah, just.. J-just reading some comments." He managed. I looked at him doubtfully. His frown practically said Please not now, not in front of such an audience. I sighed. I smirked at him and continued playing. He smiled thankfully at me. There were a few commenters asking what happened, but over all not many noticed. Whilst it seemed like I was playing, I looked through the comments. It's what set him off, right?

I was surprised to see nothing out of the ordinary, so I kept scrolling through them. "omf I hate you" was the only really out of ordinary comment. I'm not really phased by haters, and I'm positive Lewis doesn't care about them either, so that couldn't have done it. I kept reading through them. Then I came across it. "Where's Hannah?" "Are you and Hannah still dating?" "You and Hannah are the cutest!" One of the fans had spammed comments about Hannah. "Hannah said something about missing you. Are you two okay?" So many comments on Hannah you'd think they were obsessed.

I gently kicked Lewis under the desk. He looked over at me. His face that was previously pale was now drained of all color. I sent him a private message in the chat. "I found out. It's okay. I know you miss her." He sighed shakily. "Please not now Sjin. We can talk about this later, but Hannah watches the streams." He sent back. I nodded to him. He nodded back. We continued playing, but Lewis seemed out of it.

He misses her badly.

- - -

"Alright, that is way too fucking hard to fix, so I guess we can end it here!" Panda said in a fit of laughter, after practically breaking the game of all it's redstone and not being able to fix it. After our usual outro, we ended each of our recordings. As soon as he did, Lewis ran out. I assumed it was to avoid the conversation me and him were definitely going to have. He can't escape me that easily. "What's with him?" Panda asked. However I wasn't paying attention. I was already chasing after him. ".. Okay then..?" Panda said confusedly. However I ran into someone of interest on my way after Lewis.

"Hey, what's going on?" Nilesy wondered. "No time! Panda is in the recording room, I got to run!" Before I was able to continue, I saw a blush across Nilesy's cheeks. Although I am one for gossip, now was not the time. I ran ahead of him to catch up with Lewis. Lewis sprinted into his office, but before he could lock the door I opened it and ran in. He yelped, trying to get around me. I closed the door behind me. "Calm down, it's not like I'm here to kill you." I spoke annoyed.

He was tensed up, shivering and really didn't want to be here right now. "You said we could talk about this." I continued carefully. "And I'm not the only who realizes you miss her." He stopped looking horrified and quickly shifted to confused. "Duncan and Kim know." He groaned, putting his face in his hands. "Damn.. Wait-" he stood up, suddenly mad. "We're you the one who told them?!" He spoke angrily. "What?! No! I would never do that to you!" I felt hurt that Lewis thought I would betray him. "You sound defensive!" He retorted.

"Because you actually think I want you to suffer!" I practically yelled. "Do you, Sjin? Is that why you told them?!" He screamed back. I was stunned. Too shocked to speak. You could see by the look on his face that he didn't know he went too far. "You think.. I want you to hurt..?" I said, my eyes starting to water. "Seriously who the hell does that?! I know you want me to hurt, but why! Is it because of the marks--" he pulled at the scarf, but he didn't know he was hurting the bruises badly. I fell to the ground and cried out in pain, in which he suddenly realized what he just did. He quickly let go of the scarf, gasping as he remembered I was hurt.

"Sjin.. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to go that far... Please let me help you--" he knelt down and started to fix the scarf, but I mistook this for him trying to hit me. I flinched, yelping, however I soon realized he just wanted to help me. We stayed quiet for a while, no one wanting to speak first. I had gotten up at this point, quietly staring at the ground, trying to think of something to say. I looked up and opened my mouth to say 'I'm sorry' but as I looked up I felt him hug me tightly. I sighed and hugged him back.

I had just barely noticed he was hiccuping, and felt the wetness of tears into my shirt fabric. I didn't understand why he was crying, if anything I should be. In between hiccups I heard him speak. "I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry for- hurting y-you. And thin-king you w-would do such a hor-ribble thing.." I smiled into his neck. "It's fine Lewis. I'm fine." I felt much better in fact. "But you're not, friend." He sighed. "I know." He admitted.

".. Kim says Hannah misses you too." I closed my eyes tightly since he was slightly unpredictable right now. ".. But what about Duncan?" He asked, his crying starting to clear away. "Duncan says he wants you two to be back together." I said carefully. He also loved Duncan, so this was also a risky statement. "... I'm..." He paused. ".. I'm glad..."

After finishing up our very passive argument and or chat, I made him some tea and left to see Sips. I really needed to tell him about the run in with Lewis. Plus I might of just really wanted to make out, but either way I was going to see Sips. It's funny to think about how we just finished filming a stream, and about five minutes after I'm going to Sips and asking for a kiss. As I walked by the recording room, I noticed Nilesy and Panda having an awkward talk. It didn't seem like an argument, and it didn't seem sad. I couldn't hear them since they were in the recording room, but I could tell.

Hmm, spy on Panda and Nilesy, or make out with Sips?
Damn this is hard.
After pondering the pros and cons of eavesdropping on the two, making out with Sips seemed the less risky option.

I continued on my way, walking into Si- actually, well, my office.

Thought the chapter was over?
There is a surprise second half with a um.. "Interesting" POV.
Watch for it!

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