Part 4 Unexpected

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(Sjin's POV)

I was engulfed in warmth, enjoying the moments of the morning before I have to get up. My eyes were still lazily closed, and my blanket felt smaller, tighter than usual. I moved my shoulders back, beginning a stretch, but I didn't finish it. A surprised gasp escaped my mouth when my arm grazed something, and it definitely was NOT the couch. I opened my eyes and turned my neck to see something I really did not expect.

Sips was resting his head on my neck, his arms were snaked around my waist, his soft warm breaths made my neck feel tingly. I tensed. How am I supposed to get up?! A deep red blush spread onto my face when Sips shifted. I blinked at him, silently praying he wouldn't open his eyes. He groaned, and my worry only grew. Damn it Paul, you moved and he felt it! I quickly relaxed my body, and a few moments later I heard his soft snores again. I shakily sighed and tried to lift his arm off of my chest. I did this successfully without waking him up, and relief washed over me as I stood up.

I tiptoed away from Sips, but then heard him waking. I looked back to him who was now shifting slowly under the fluffy blanket. His arm extended out from under it, and felt the couch fabric. Confused but most definitely amused, I watched to see what he was doing. His arm started to frantically search for something and a muffled grunt of confusion sounded from underneath the sheet. I smirked and pulled off the blanket. "Looking for this?" I mused, a devious flash in my eyes.

Sips's eyes opened wide and his face blushed a deep red. He mumbled something, ignoring my gaze best he could. He was making the face he did when he was thinking, hard. I started to giggle when he finally began to talk. "Yeah, erhm.. Where's my breakfast?" I rolled my eyes and then laughed with Sips. "Goddamn, if you wanted a hug you could have just asked, Sipsy.." I teased on my way to the kitchen.

(Sips POV)

"Goddamn, if you wanted a hug you could have just asked, Sipsy.." I sighed, relieved to see Sjin thought it was a joke. I stretched and rubbed my eyes, then pulled my luggage up the stairs. Since we watched Tangled I never really got the chance to unpack. I walked into the guest bedroom I usually stay at when I come to Sjin's house, then laid my luggage on the bed in the of the room.

I felt uncomfortable, since I slept in my clothes. Speaking of which I really needed a shower. I walked out of the room and looked over the stair railing to see Sjin making eggs in the kitchen. He probably wouldn't be done making breakfast for about another half an hour. I walked back down the upstairs hallway to the bathroom and started to take off my shirt when I noticed he didn't have any towels in there. Really, Sjin? Really? I didn't feel like putting my shirt back on, so I walked downstairs without it.

(Sjin's POV)

"Hey Sjin? Where's the towels, you don't have any in your bathroom," I heard Sips say. I turned around to face him. "Oh, there in-" I started to blush when I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. I stared at his bare chest for a moment too long then looked back to his face. "-erm in the uh, laundry room.." He smirked. "Thanks," then he walked out of the room.

Ugh, What the hell was that?! He probably thinks your gay now. Wait, but he was smiling when he left.. So if he does think your gay he's.. GLAD?! WAIT A MINUTE- my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the fire alarm going off, I completely forgot about the eggs! I heard footsteps running from the laundry room, then saw Sips run in to face me. He shoved me slightly and grabbed the pan of eggs, which were now very much on fire. He put the pan in the sink and turned the water on, extinguishing the flames.

Then he started to laugh. He turned around to see my completely confused face. "Don't worry, I'm not the best cook either," we laughed like children for a few minutes, then after I spoke up. "Maybe we should eat out?" I sighed, smiling. "Yeah sure, but I still need to take a shower. After my shower lets go," he smiled, then winked at me on his way up the stairs.

I felt my blush creep up on my face. Then I quickly remembered my trail of thoughts- IF HES GLAD IM GAY, DOES THAT MEAN HES GAY TOO?! My mouth gaped. Gah, Sipsy, I swear I'm not gay, but I think I like you.. Bisexual? I started to think about that.

- - - - -

I heard the shower stop. Yes, bisexual. I've decided I'm bisexual.

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