Part 11 Surprise

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A/N: sorry you guys for so much Sjin POV, it's just hard to write for Sips when something exciting is going on with Sjin! Anyway, I did write a little bit for Sips for this chapter, just to try and balance it out.
Emphasizing the TRY.
(I had to do chores so now I can do whatever I want.)

(Sjin POV)

I suddenly realized how long I had been standing there eavesdropping. I quickly moved onto the next room, which was mine. I sighed and smiled as I heard Sips derping about. I opened the door, Sips immediately taking off his headphones and getting up to talk to me. "Hey Sjin--" I closed the door and covered his mouth, but he licked my hand, so I let go. "Ewwww.." He giggled as I wiped it off on him. "Keep quiet." He smiled and complied.

"I think Panda and Nilesy.." He chuckled. "Of course they are." I playfully glared at him. "Also, I was eavesdropping.." Sips laughed, trying his best to keep quiet. ".. And I found out that Duncan is breaking up with Lewis." Sips quickly stopped laughing. "Why? They seem so happy.." He questioned. "Things aren't as they seem. Lewis can't get over Hannah.." I answered. He sighed. ".. Is that all you needed?" I smirked up at him. "No. I have a surprise for you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck. Before he knew what was happening, I jumped up, pressing my lips against his own. I mentally smiled when he grabbed my waist and leaned down to my level so I didn't need to jump. I felt him smile against my lips, licking at my bottom lip, begging for an entrance. I parted my mouth, feeling his tongue slip in. Our tongues swirled against each other, battling for dominance. He grabbed my butt and lifted me onto the desk, never once breaking the kiss. He nibbled at my bottom lip like a pro, and suddenly I couldn't hold back a moan.

(Sips POV)

I felt Sjin moan against my lips, in which I pulled back in surprise. He was blushing intensely, and panting heavily. I smirked, wiping a small strand of saliva from his chin. "I didn't know I was that good." I pulled him back into the kiss, in which it took him a second to figure out what was going on. But he quickly realized and kissed back passionately. My hands ran up and back down his back, pulling him closer. I couldn't breathe and I would have fainted if I didn't pull back soon, so I did, panting.

He smiled, resting his head on my shoulder. In between deep breaths, I heard him speak. ".. Surprise." I chuckled, holding him in my arms. I lifted him off the desk. "I'm perfectly capable of getting off the desk, I'm not a child you know," he giggled. "I know." I smiled. I suddenly realized he just kissed me- yeah, no duh genius.- but the first time it happened he didn't want us to be together. However, he just kissed me again.. So I asked. "Wait, why did you kiss me?" I smiled. He blushed, but he didn't seem to care. "I like you, Sipsy. I thought about what happened this morning, and.. I think I want us to be 'a thing'."

I blushed, looking down at him. "Do.. Do you still want to be?" He finished. I smirked, picking him back up. "Why not?" He playfully glared at me, kissing my nose. "Boop." We both giggled, not realizing the door had opened. "Enjoying yourselves?" I heard someone say. I quickly set Sjin down, turning to see who walked in. "Don't worry, I won't tell," Panda smirked. ".. Shit.." I whispered. Sjin frowned at Panda. "Why are you here anyway?" He spoke shakily. He was embarrassed.

"You were gone for quite a while, so Lewis sent me to find you and make sure you weren't in here." Sjin looked confused. "Why?" Panda smiled even wider. "Because his predictions were correct, he thought you guys would be in here making out." My eyes widened. "Wait, how did you know we were making out!?" He giggled. "I could hear you guys all the way from the break room, Sjin moans pretty loud, you know!" I felt him press into my chest, hiding his face in embarrassment.

"I'll tell Lewis you're finishing up in the washroom. In the meantime, go fix your hair. You look like you were attacked by an animal." I gave Panda a thankful look. He winked at me before he shut the door again. "You okay Sjin?" I pulled him away from my chest so he couldn't hide. "Y-yeah.. Just a little.. Embarrassed.." I smiled at him. "Well, we did just get caught." I chuckled. He sighed, returning to his smiley sort of mood. "You heard Panda," I smirked. "You should go fix your hair."

(Sjin POV)

I sped down the hallway to the washroom so no one would notice my messy hair. I entered the washroom, turned on the sink, and started to wet it down in the mirror. I combed through it with my fingers, and put it under the hand drier to make it seem like I hadn't just furiously made out with someone. I fixed the last of the wispy strands of hair and looked in the mirror. It was definitely better, however my blush was still through the roof.

I bit my lip thinking about what to do. I blinked and realization and ran to Duncan's office. Before he could question anything, I took his water bottle and got out an ice cube. He sighed in annoyance as I set his water bottle back down and put the ice cube in my mouth up against my palette. "You could have asked." He chuckled. "No thime." I tried to speak with the ice cube in my mouth. I looked at his wall mirror, relieved to see my blush had gone down to almost nothing.

"It's a great trick, isn't it? Get's you out of many situations." He smirked, not looking up from his computer. "Ith that wy you drin ithed offee?" I smiled, straightening my hair again. "Well, yes and no. I drink iced coffee because it relieves blushes, and also because it tastes good." He chuckled. The ice cube finished melting in my mouth, so I swallowed what little was left of it. "Thanks," I said, smiling at him. "Sure. But can I ask one thing?" I paused looking at him. "I'm all ears." A smirk crept across his face. "What did Sips do to make you moan so loudly?"

He was in a fit of giggles when I didn't respond to avoid blushing again. I left his office, sighing and closing the door behind me. I ran to where Lewis, Simon, and Panda were chatting. Lewis clapped his hands together. "Alright then. Should we start this recording or no?" Panda smirked at me. I glared back. "Yeah. What have we decided on recording?" I said, slowly tearing my eyes away from Panda. "Oh, just a custom map I found."

"Alright, let's get started!"

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