Part 8 Kisses

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A/N: I've decided on making longer chapters, but that also means longer times without chapters :L I'm sowwy!


to make up for my terrible mind and making Sjin in pain, I've decided to give you guys a fluff chapter that will murder you from the insides because it's so damn fluffy. (I know, I'm quite the Casanova.) what I mean by that is expect fucking kisses that will melt your heart and make you fangirl to death. Enjoyyyy!!

(Sips POV)

".. Sipsy..?"

"S-Sips I'm scared, p-please get up.."

I felt a body snuggle up against me, shivering. It was cold. I opened my eyes, confused and disoriented. I was greeted with Sjin holding onto me like his life depended on it. He seemed afraid of something. "S-Sjin? Is everything alright?" I asked, my voice croaking. I was thirsty. "S-Sips? Oh thank god!" If it was possible, he hugged me even tighter. Although it was uncomfortable, I wasn't going to tell him to get off me. The guy's so scared, I'm surprised he hasn't lost it already. "No, it's not okay." He was shaking. It was the middle of the night, probably around 3 am.

I sat up, then looked at him. "Why? What's going on?" Sjin nuzzled into my chest. "Y-You'll make fun of me."

"No I won't."

"Yeah you will."

"No I won't. I promise."

He sighed. ".. I-I.. I had a nightmare.." He gulped down hard, you could hear how frightened he was simply when he was talking. I chuckled. "I told you you would make fun of me.." I hugged him back. "I'm not laughing at you," he looked up at me, unconvinced. "Then what?" I smiled softly at him. "I remember when you would come into my room at night and say you had nightmare all the way back when I first stayed here." He avoided my gaze. "Why is that so funny?"

"Because you said the same exact thing," I smiled. ".. I did?" I chuckled again. "Yeah. You did." He closed his eyes and shook his head into my chest. I could feel him blushing. "What was your nightmare about?" He stayed silent for a while and didn't move. For a second I thought he went back to sleep.

"S-Spiders.." I sighed. He had arachnophobia. "It's okay Sjin, there are no spiders in the house. They don't like me," I smirked. I felt him shake. I wasn't helping. ".. Want me to check?" I felt him nod. I sighed and got up, then turned on the lights. "Look," he had his eyes tightly shut. He slowly opened his eyes, and looked up at me. "No spiders." I could see him start to relax. I smiled. I turned off the lights and laid back down, but sat a little more up so Sjin could be more comfortable. I could feel him still shaking, as he clutched onto my shirt for dear life.

I started to hum a lullaby. Yeah it's cheesy, I know. But I did. He wasn't going to sleep if I didn't. I felt him start to let go of my shirt. I kept humming until I could hear soft snores from him. That's when I finally decided to go to sleep. I would probably be uncomfortable and stiff, but it would be worth it. Poor Sjin..

- - - - -

"Morning, sleepy."

I opened my eyes to see a tired, yet adorable Sjin laying next to me. Daylight was streaming through the opened window, perfectly shining on his softly smiling face. I couldn't help it- I started to blush by just looking at him. He was so cute, so innocent. I started to frown when I saw the bandages, remembering what happened the night before.

I gasped at the sudden pain in my back when I tried to sit up, causing Sjin to immediately move back. "O-Oh God, are y-you hurt?" I smiled at him. "No no, it's okay. I just.. Didn't expect to be so .. Stiff.." I felt my words trail off as I stared at him. God, this lighting, his adorable blush, if only he wasn't worried.. Actually I'm kind of glad he's worried, because at this point I'd probably be drooling over him..

"O-Okay, okay good.." Damn, he's smiling now. I looked away to avoid drooling on his bed. Wait.. Oh yeah, I'm in his bed.. I felt myself almost not in control, my eyes would drift back to him and I'd have to look away before I went crazy over him. Well, I already have gone crazy over him.. "Sips?"

"Y-Yeah?" I looked back at him, blushing madly. "I-I called in to Yogtowers with an injury.." He looked saddened. "And we'll, Lewis doesn't remember a thing.. In fact, he asked how I got it.." I was confused on why he was sad. "Well, that's great, right?" He sighed. "I don't actually know.."

"How come?" I was concerned, I didn't like him worried. It drove me mad since he was worried so often. "Well, I can't exactly just pretend it never happened. But I really want to forget it, too..." He started to look me straight in the eyes, a breeze swept through the room. This whole atmosphere brought shivers down my spine. "I was thinking.. Should I tell Lewis, or Duncan, or.." He started to trail off looking at the ground.

I smiled, grabbing his chin softly as he looked up at me. "You do what feels right to do, okay? Personally I think he deserves to know, but.. I can't lie, this is your call," I looked at him seriously. "Y-Yeah.. I guess so.." It took me till just now to see he was blushing just as much as I was.

"Oh yeah, and um.. Thanks," he murmured, barely audible. "For what?" I blink confusedly at him. "For.. Last night. The lullaby was nice.." He started to turn red as a beet. I felt so embarrassed, I thought he wouldn't remember. But at least he liked it. "Y-Yeah.. No problem.." I felt I needed to change the subject before I went crazy over him. "Hey, we should check on your, uh.. Marks.."

He blinks in realization. "O-oh yeah! I almost forgot!" I flinched at the pain, but after that it was fine. I sat up to face Sjin, a couple inches away from his face. I slowly unwrapped the bandages, hoping they healed at least a little. I was happy to find they were not going to bleed anymore. I was not so happy when I saw they had turned to dark purple bruises. Well, at least he won't need to wear the bandages anymore.

"Is i-it bad?" He asked after a moment. "Well um, it's not bleeding anymore," he looked me in the eyes. He knew I wasn't telling the whole truth. He stared at me intensely. ".. Okay fine, you win. Your bruised. Badly." He looked down and sighed. "Yeah. I guess I was expecting that.."

"I hate seeing you hurt." I covered my mouth. Damn it.. "W-what?" I could hear the surprise in his voice. I didn't know what to say. "I um.. I-I didn't m-m-mean to say that out l-loud.." I stuttered. He held a finger to my lips. "It's okay, Sips.. It's fine.." He stared at me hopefully, a slight smile on his face. What I did next I didn't expect, I couldn't believe I actually did this, but..

(Sjin POV)

"Its okay, Sips.. It's fine.." I whispered. He was only a few inches away from my face, and both of our blushes were through the roof. He closed his eyes, ever so slightly tilted his head, and went in for the kiss. I was so shocked, I didn't know what to do to. But the feeling was mutual. I wanted this badly, so why feel so shocked? I closed my eyes, kissing back with more passion that he probably expected. But I was still hesitant. His lips moved against mine, yet neither of us were willing to add tongue-- yet at least.

He fell back onto the bed, and fell on top of him, never losing contact. As I landed, I hurt my neck a little, and I needed air so brought myself up to breathe after a while. I panted, laying against his chest. I could hear him gulping in air too. Wait.. Oh god, you weren't even thinking! Now what? You just made out with him, now what? What's he going to think, now what?!

"..." I couldn't speak. I didn't know how to respond after that. I sat up off of him, he sat up next to me. We just looked at each other, not knowing what to say next. How would he react? The silence was eating me up. Finally, Sips broke the unwanted awkwardness. ".. Wow.." I was relieved to see he reacted okay. ".. Yeah.."

Still, the question remained- now what? What's going to happen, what are "we" now? Almost as if he could read my thoughts, I heard Sips reply. "Are we..?" I looked up at him. ".. A thing?" I sighed. "I-I don't know.. I don't actually know how to respond to that.." He stared back at me, still panting. "All I know is that I enjoyed this,"

I smiled softly at him. An annoying beep sounded from an alarm nearby on a bedside table. "Shit, we gotta get to work!" I hopped up and ran down the hallway to the laundry room. "Be ready in half an hour, if you want to drive!" I heard him giggle. "Of course I want to drive!"

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