♧To meet again♧

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Emma: Wait you got it wrong I can't-

Before I could say anything they had pushed me into some circular shape and it started going up.

???(2): Alright, the microphone is on, it's now on you Miss Scarlett.

No no no no no this can't be happening- I should've known Anna bought a celebrity looking wig!

What am I supposed to do- they're gonna know I'm not a celebrity!

Ok ok ok just try to sing the song and then you rush outside, you can do this.


Everyone started clapping like crazy. And I was being stared at, even by that Norman.

Emma: Uhm well thank you for being here, have a great evening!

I ran outside as fast as I could.

Emma: Anna! I'm gonna stab you!

Anna: Huh

Emma: You should've told me this was the wig of a singer! They thought I was her and made me sing in front of a huge public!

Anna: I'm sorry!... but didn't you like it😏

Emma: Well, maybe? Anyways we should go-

With Norman.

Ray: Ne Norman are you okay? Ever since that performance you've been silent.

Norman: Yeah, I guess I'm okay. I have no idea why I was shocked by Scarlett's performance.

Ray: I must say I was too, she sings well usually, but this time she had some sort of emotion, a lot.

Norman: Maybe I should accept the collab with her, she changed.

With Emma

Worker: Miss Scarlett! Norman accepted to be your singing partner! He loved your performance!


At the hotel.

Anna: Emma now you can sing for Scarlett, with norman!

Emma: But Anna you don't get it, he wants to sing with Scarlett, not Emma!

Anna: Yeah but he likes YOUR voice, not hers. You have to go!

Emma: That's dumb! This Scarlett is gonna say she wasn't there and I might get arrested.

Anna: I have an idea! But you have to accompany me somewhere first.

Emma: Where exactly?

Anna: Ray is filming on his new album, I bought it as soon as it was on sale and it would be more than perfect with Ray's signature!

Emma: Ok but I hope you have a great idea "I said"

An hour later.

Anna was in the line while I was standing in a corner, trying to find inspiration.

I noticed there was a wonderful voice sounding from the other side of a red curtain. Wow, I wonder who's singing. I had to go, at least peek to see who the person was. When I entered, I only noticed a person with white albino hair and blue ocean eyes, wait- it couldn't be? He turned around and noticed my head peeking from the door.

?: Hey! Aren't you the song thief??


" It's you right?" He asked, coldly. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I fastly replied. "Why the hell are you here? Don't tell me it's to steal Ray's songs." No, no way I came here because.." Think Emma think!

" I love Ray! Yeah-

Norman: Why aren't you in line then?

Why aren't you minding your business is what I wanted to say"I will wait for the other fans to pass, so I might have more time to talk to him!"

Norman: I don't believe you, but then, you wouldn't be nervous to answer some questions right? What is Ray's favorite animal?

For once, just this once, I'm happy that Anna told me about Ray.

Emma: Cat.

Norman: Correct, favorite type of song?

"Mmm, the sad ones, or especially the ones that have fire meanings." Emma, you're so smooth like butter😎"Good, favorite anime?" He asked again." Hunter x hunter."
" Name of his cat?" Easy, Flame"

Norman: Allergies?

Emma: Mmm...('Don't tell me you don't you what he's allergic to? Oh no, it's my end. Peanuts! The most common allergy, I'm sure it's that!')

Emma: Peanuts?

Norman: No, peppermint.

Emma: Oh, well it's just one incorrect-" You failed, Ray mentioned his allergy a million times." he stated.

Emma: Isn't it normal to forget things?" Not sure..thing is I don't trust you"( he looked at me, his gaze went down to notice the book on my hands)

"Is that the book where you write, I mean steal more songs?" 'No! These are all the songs I created!'" Look, don't raise your tone " Why? Are you a king?" He chuckled" No but I could easily get guards to take you outside. I don't even know why I talked to you, I normally don't talk to...fans. But I'm only doing this to stop your series of schemes.

'Just stating that I'm a fan of ray and not you' His eyebrow raised" I merely care, but hand me the book" ' What!?  ' i screamed" Those songs are all stolen, you really should get arrested" ' Well there's no way! I worked hard on all this whole book and a supposed super nice singer isn't going to take it away!'

He snatched the book from my hand' Hey! Give that back!'( I lifted my hand and jumped a few times, no use) " You're pretty short-he grinned-as I looked away, definitely not red. ' You don't even have any proof I stole this!' " Okay then, I have an offer. Be my assistant, serve me and help me write songs" he looked through the book" Yeah, all these songs are perfect, it's impossible a simple girl like you could've created this"

' But I did. And it's a huge no for your offer' " Alright then, I suppose you don't mind me calling the police" ' I couldn't care less!' " Then you don't mind them arresting you? And they'll take your precious book"

Emma: Alright alright fine! What do you want?

Norman: Prove me that you wrote these songs, help me make new ones. If they're good enough then I'll give your book back.


Emma: Ao Anna, what was your idea?

"I sent an email to Scarlett, surprisingly, she replied and still hadn't said anything about her being absent, turns out she has a huge crush on Norman and asked if you could sing for her. Don't you get it? It's a huge opportunity to be successful! After the collab, Scarlett will come back to Norman.

Emma: Wait- are you serious!? Should I even accept?

Anna: Yes I am serious! I bet Scarlett knows Norman will fall for you and then she'll take him but you don't love him at all so it should be okay as long as you do DON'T fall for Norman.

Emma: Pffft, me? Fall for him? Never.

We shall see about that.


Tada!! 💖💖💖

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