Late meeting

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Celebrating the 20th chapter of this story!!

A/N: Sorry for taking a while in uploading!  anyways here you go! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Narrator pov:

Emma had promised herself that she would finish her job as Scarlett and then tell everything to Norman.

She was still in shock with everything that had happened, no wonder Norman was mean to Emma at first when she had taken the job, maybe he was mad or didn't recognize her at all?

Emma pov

I took a deep breath,  'okay, It's alright, I just have to try not to give him my phone number and always evade that questions, but I feel so bad doing this!'

Well, for now, I can just create a new phone number and give him that one right? True! Gosh, I'm so dumb!

Knock Knock

' Who could that be?'

It was a note telling Scarlett to go to the recording studio to practice with Norman.

Emma quickly dressed up and headed straight there.


(Scarlett)Emma: I'm here! Sorry, I'm late!

Norman turned around and headed towards her jogging.

Norman: Hey Scarlett! It's been a while since we practiced together since I went on my trip! He smiled. But for some reason, Emma thought the smile seemed a bit forced, and he looked extremely tired.

Louis: It's all because you're looking for this girl you don't even know! Franchement!(frankly!)'he screamed angrily' a tired singer will sing no good!'

Norman turned around' I do know her! I ordered people to look for her and they found her address! She came here not long ago and is in a hotel with her sister!

(Scarlett) Emma: YOU DID WHAT!?

She screamed so loud that the whole staff looked at her.

Norman: Is something the matter? 

(Scarlett) Emma: Nope! Haha I just got surprised that you are stalking this girl nothing else!' she acted the best as possible'

Norman: Oh! Why don't you come with me to see her? The hotel is far so we can practice singing in the car!

(Scarlett)Emma: NO!


(Scarlett) Emma: I-I mean, I get car sick a lot so I'm not sure If It's a good idea haha...

Norman: Ohh I see, no worries then! Sorry Louis, practice with Scarlett for now! I'll be back before nighttime' he said as he was putting on his jacket'

Before Emma could say anything he had already left.

Emma then quickly sent a message to Anna to tell Norman that she didn't live there anymore.


Emma had gone to sleep early but woke up around 2 am, she felt her throat dry so she went out of the hall to get a glass of water. She didn't have her wig on since no one except guards that were outside would be awake.

As she was chugging it down, she heard a 'thud' noise.

''who's there?'' she asked.

She went down the long stairs and saw a dark silhouette, and it looked like it was..dancing?

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