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He wrote it in the paper.

Norman: Thanks, you can leave now.

I rolled my eyes again, and as I was getting close to the door he came up from nowhere and put his hand on the wall.

"What are you doing!?"

"You shouldn't disrespect me like that you know?"

With no hesitation, I pushed him away.

Emma: Look, if you're going to fire me then do it, it's not like if my life depends on this job.

Norman: Ouch, I see, well I have no intention of firing you but remember, I still have your notebook.

He's right, I should try not to get fired, after all, the people here are nice, I can make more friends and just don't mind about this supposed "famous" Norman.

Emma: Alright then, I apologize for being disrespectful.

Norman: Go do something else, I don't know just meet the workers and help them with what they need.


Oof he is worse than I expected. I guess I should meet the people.

I started looking at the office section, I didn't think that people needed to have an office for a singer... Before anything else, someone bumped into me and when I opened my eyes I saw a brown-haired guy.

?: I apologize! I should take fewer papers at once next time hehe-

Emma: Oh no worries! My name is Emma, I'm the new worker, what's your name?

?: Me? My name is Phil, nice to meet you" he smiled"

Emma: Well nice to meet you, Phil! I'm currently not busy, do you need any help?

Phil: Ooo thanks! I do need help, but, I'm not sure if you know how to classify difficult files...

Emma: Oh! My father worked in that sort of job and he taught me, I can help!

Phil: Really? That's great then thank you!


I helped Phil classify some sheets, it wasn't complicated at all.

Phil: W-wait you're going so fast I barely finished the first pile-

Emma: Oops sorry hehe-

For a second, Norman came out of his room and he stared...I stared back. He made a short smile and turned around, he kept walking away.

I don't know if I ever mentioned this but I feel as if I've known Norman for a long time. Maybe we already met once.

After an hour, Phil and I finished classifying the papers. It was already closing time so everyone was leaving, as I was packing my bag Phil told me Norman was looking for me.

Seriously I just wanna go home.


Knock knock

"Come in"

Emma: Hey..you called me?

Norman: I need more help, I can do the lyrics but it's a bit complicated, I can't seem to know what melody I should do.

Emma: Why don't you put the part I said as the chorus? Then do a little sound with the drums; If I bam lose you bam there is no tomorrow bam if I, have you bam and then just continue!

He chuckled a bit.

Norman: That's cute, I mean- smart, yes, you have good ideas. *cough cough*Anyways that was all, you can go now, good night.

Emma: Okayy then, you're welcome, have a nice night as well.

I went outside and walked home. Ugh, I should learn how to drive, it's not safe at these hours.

The next day

Finally the weekend!!! Thankfully I barely started Friday now I can enjoy life! Mmm, what should I do...Anna went out with her new friends I feel so lonely. Maybe I can go to the shops.

I walked and walked until getting to the last crossroad. I'm almost there. I walked when there was a red light where the cars had to stop. Suddenly, an old-looking car went by speed and didn't even stop. I threw myself out of the way and he immediately stopped.

?: Hey! Watch where you're going!

Emma: Excuse me what!?

I stood in front of the man's car.

Emma: What did you just say? Isn't it you who's supposed to be careful? You could've crashed into someone!

?: Except that I didn't. Now move out of the way the cars wanna pass!

Emma: Do you even know how to drive? What about your driver's license?

?: Listen to me little girl, you aren't police.

Emma: Don't worry I know, just saying that your car has no number behind, aren't you supposed to get one?

?: U-uh my car is recently bought that's why?

Emma: It does look new, but we know that it's old. The motor sound sounds rusty, and the wheels are old, there are ancient-looking scratches and they're oxidated..., don't you see the black smoke coming out of the motor? From what I know that shouldn't happen to new cars.

?: Y-you...I'm gonna call the police get outta here!

Emma: Oh yeah please call the police I have to report you as well.


After a while, the police came and said he was driving illegally. I can't believe I wasted my whole day😭

I turned around and to my surprise, I saw a familiar albino-haired man dressed as incognito, I can see it was him. The way he's walking and his hair. There's also his way of standing- damn it Emma you sound like a creepy stalker!

He looked at me and quickly ran away fast.



I wish you all a super-duper extremely merry Christmas! Enjoy it super well and spend some nice time with your families!💖💖💖😊

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