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(Quick note the place where Emma went is a outdoors half fancy restaurant)

The host was staring at everyone, looking for a new target.

Host: Well it seems all of the couples already went on stage...

The crowd looked sad as if they knew this was the end, but the sales were going so good the restaurant had to keep going(narrator).

Host: Don't you fret! We will do a new thing now, let's find someone who has no partner, and after his/her/they're song, someone will propose to sing with them! All to make some couples!

Everyone was clapping so loud. I even covered my ears to block SOME of the noise.

Host: Hmm, what about...you?

He pointed at a person who I couldn't see because of the huge crowd. The person went up on stage. It was a guy dressed all in white, and he looked sort of strange not gonna lie-  he had a mask and a cap. I don't even know why i'm staring I'm just curious-

Wait a minute, he looks so much like Norman? (Don't ask me how I know I just do-) Ohh I get it, it's a special surprise for all the customers, I mean it does say 50 years anniversary so I suppose it's to celebrate.

I can finally see Norman sing live! This is great, Anna showed me some videos but it's not the same and I wasn't listening much.

Norman went up on stage and the host said; All right everyone, so for our 50 years anniversary we invited a special guest to come here and to sing for us!

A lot of gasps and murmurs began quickly.

Norman took off his mask and then his cap. It didn't even need a second for the whole place to become crazy, everyone was screaming!!




Hold up what-

He saluted everyone and congratulated the restaurant for being open for many years.

Then he started singing and the shole crowd was silent (respect🙏).

This is the song Norman sang:

He was singing a slow love song. He sounds completely different from the videos. And his voice sounds so...familiar?

"....(Name)...!!!Can you sing me another song, pleasee??"

"Emma it's the 12th song I just sang, isn't that enough?😅"

"Are you delusional? That's barely 36 minutes you've been singing (3 min per song)  I need my whole 3 hour concert🙄"

"Ah, of course. I honestly expected something like this, but i'll do it."

"Hey hey ...(name)....! Sing 'still with you!!' Pleasee :(  ? I know you're probably exhausted but this will be the last one I swear!"

"Anything for you Emma, I shall sing 300 songs if you want! As many as you want."

"Really!? Yay!! You know ...(name)... You should sing at a singer's stage instead of your house's basement😅. You sing like an angel!"

"You're only saying that because you're my friend, Emma."

"Am not! I am serious about this. Your voice sounds like...I don't even have words, as if you really putted your love feelings into it. And it's the most wonderful melody I have heard. That sounded cheesy didn't it-"

"  •/////•  Uhmm, not at all. But thank you, you know, I might just become a singer, for you Emma."

"Sayy, do you have a crush on someone? I swear you really sound in love with those romance songs😏 So..who is it? "

"I promise you, i'll tell you one day.."



His voice sounds.. I don't have any words for this. He is really putting his true feelings in his music. And..it's the most wonderful melody I have ever heard. And what was that flashback I just had-

I made a long sigh and my head layed on my hand and I stared at him.

"Young lady, do you mind if I sit here? I'm afraid there is not more seats..."

It was an elderly woman, she looked a bit lonely. Her hair was all grey and tied into a bun, and she had a fur coat.

Emma: Of course! Go ahead!

She sat down.

"Thank you"


(Norman was talking on stage)

"Say, I saw you earlier and you were drooling staring at the young man on stage."

Emma: Drool- Huh!? No way I was just enjoying the music! Haha.

Host: Now that Norman is done, he will pick someone to sing on stage with him, that person will also get to do a longer meet and greet time!

The whole customers were raiding their hands saying; Me me me!

I would love to sing with him, but i'm afraid he will know who I am.

Elderly woman: If you say so"she laughed a bit" But your face was really red and you were laughing alone just earlier. Say, aren't you uncomfortable with that frog mask-

Emma: WHAT!? No I swear that's not- I raised both my hands to justify I wasn't red. Well I couldn't really have known..

I didn't realise that my "what!?" Was super loud. Crap- I immediately put my hands on the table and pretended nothing happened.

Norman: Hey..Why don't you come up? He signaled a person backstage to do something, and before I knew there was a light on my head!



Tada!... Yes I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it! Bye, have a good day, or night-

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