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Emma pov

I woke up around 8 am, work starts at 9. I still have time right? I change fast anyway and I'm still tired...

An hour and 30 minutes later...

Oh, it's only a nine-thirty. Wait. nine thirty!? I'm late! I stood up quickly and changed with the speed of light. Sorry bed, I don't have time to make you.

I ran as fast as I can, I can't believe Anna didn't wake me up she works at nine too! I clicked N.M and immediately when the doors opened I ran inside.

Emma: I'm so sorry for being late! I promise it won't happen again!

Phil: Oh don't worry Emma, somehow Norman didn't ask for you today, he always does.

Emma: Oh I see, thank you, do you need any help?

Phil: Of course! There's a new fan mail today that we have to revise, some of them ask for Norman's address and number which we have to sort out.

While Phil and I were working, I heard him say something.

*sigh* He's not doing this year either.

Emma: Who's not doing what?

Phil: Oh, I was talking out loud! Well uhm it's sir Norman's birthday soon, but he never celebrates it.

Emma: Never celebrates his birthday!? What? How? My family always said it's very important since it's the day of your birth!

Phil: Yeah but ever since his mother died his dad, never did anything for him, he doesn't even visit him for his birthday!

Emma: Excuse me what? Well, can't we tell him a happy birthday?

Phil: Don't recommend it, last year a worker named Barbara told him a happy birthday and gave him a cake. He rejected it immediately and send her off to work at another building.

Emma: Oof. But we can at least try to bring his father right? Family is necessary for life!

Phil: Nobody knows where he is, even tho the name William Minerva is very known nobody knows how nor where he lives. He's been followed a thousand times by reporters but they always lose him.

Emma: William Minerva? It rings a bell.

Phil: Of course, it does he works at a company-

Emma: **** Neverland street.

Phil: Huh? Is that-

Emma: I have no idea how I know this, my head just started hurting.

Phil: But h-how do you know? Nobody else does!

Emma: I do not know, but I will go see him today, Norman's birthday is 21 march right? It's in two days... I will go in the night after work.

Phil: Are you sure? I...I consider you as a sister and it's really dangerous at night.

Emma: Aww Phil I consider you as a little brother as well!*I hugged him*

Phil: T-too tight-


Phil: You can go right now, I will cover for you and pray for sir Norman not to come out.

Emma: Are you sure?

Phil: Of course!

Emma: Okay! Thank you, Philly.

I was walking towards the stairs when I bumped into someone.

?: Oh, I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going, wait, Emma!?

Emma: Gilda! What are you doing here, gosh I'm so sorry too-

Gilda: No problem it's okay I swear. I thought you worked for the whole day why are you leaving?

Emma: Please don't tell this to anyone but I'm going to go convince William Minerva to come to see Norman for his birthday.

Gilda: W-william Minerva!? You're going to see-

Emma: Shh no one can know. Please don't tell me anything! "I covered her mouth".

Gilda: Don't worry I won't" she smiled" Good luck then! You better tell me everything after!

Emma: Got it! See you!

Thirty minutes later...

I arrived, still no clue how I knew his address, if I think too deep my head starts hurting.

I was surprised to see that his house was quite simple, it seems very familiar too. And very far from everything. Come on Emma you can do this.

Knock knock.

"Who is it?"

Emma: Uhm, hello! My name is Emma and I wanted to talk to you about something very important! May I come in?

He opened the door, he's a spitting image of Norman, very tall. He signaled me to sit down and he sat in front.

William: What do you need?

Emma: Actually, I work for Norman Minerva, your son. And I wanted to ask you to come to see him for his birthday, he hasn't seen you for long, please come!

William: Why would I do that? He doesn't want to see me anyways. And I'm busy with work.

Emma: Please I beg you! He always talks about you every day he misses you!

Emma: Say Norman what is your biggest wish?

Norman: Hmm...I have two huge wishes, one is to see my father, and two, he looked at me. It's a secret :)

Emma: Hey not fair, I told mine!

Huh, what was that, strange...

William: He talks about me?

Emma: He does, I promise.

William: Tell me, what will make me think you aren't one of those Norman fans trying to make me be with my son only to make him fall for you.

Emma: Ha, trust me, I could never fall for an ice queen guy.

He started laughing.

William: I-ice queen!? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, but alright, I do believe you.

Emma: Thank you.

William: Hm, say, your voice sounds familiar, like that Scarlett singer she works on my same company for me. Do you know her?

What, he completely changed the theme.

Emma: W-what? No! I have no idea who Scarlett is!

William: So you are the one who took her place, does it ring a bell? In the cruise concert. She was sick, out of nowhere she appeared on stage and sang better than ever. You are very bad at lying you know?

Emma: Fine you caught me, are you gonna arrest me?

William: No, I won't, but I have a proposal for you.

Be Scarlett for a while and I'll go see norman.



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