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(🎶I wanna play with you😶 You wanna play with me?🎶 PLS IF YOU KNOW THE SONG ILY)

The light was on top of my face, and as soon as that happened all eyes were on me.

"Haha- uhm. I'm not sure this is a good-"

"Come on, don't be shy!" The host signaled me to come forward with his hands.

What am I supposed to do, I can't let Norman see me..

You know what, frick it, I won't let a single person ruin what I want to do. 🙄 I'll just have to make sure my face is not seen.

I was heading o the stage cautiously, I felt nervous but somehow excited. Then I-


I felt many drops on my forehead. I turned around and everyone was leaving quickly.

Host: It's okay everyone! Don't leave!

"It's raining!! Let's go!"

"Oh no- my clothes!"

In the fraction of a second, everyone was gone. Even the elderly woman who was sitting at my table went running. Well at least I don't have to sing anymore..I thankfully had my umbrella and went behind a car to uhm, stalk?

I heard a man who I think was the manager to clean everything, they all had umbrellas, Norman too. No one would want to stay in the rain. The host told Norman he could leave.

Crap don't tell me he's coming back- I'm still here! I ran inside a random place and closed the door. I can't go back now! He is going in a car and he'll get there before me!

I had entered another restaurant, it was interior though. But I guess I can just tell them I had to go somewhere..This place looks very fun..

I grinned and removed my huge coat, it got wet since the rain was falling in a diagonal direction. Why am I even saying this- (revolutionnary Emma AU lol)

Okay, I sat down at a chair and noticed that everyone looked, dead? Why aren't they putting any music or anything.

The smell of food was delicious. Not going to lie It made me hungry. Maybe I should order-

Huh- where is my wallet?

I searched my pocket, my purse, and my coat, but none.DID I GET ROBBED!?


I just screamed again, great! I slapped my forehead and decided I should leave if I have no money.

"Excuse me?"


I felt someone tap my shoulder, she looked like a waitress here.

"Are you going to order anything?"

Emma: Oh, it's what I wanted to do but I forgot my money, I'll be on my way now-

"Wait! Can you sing? We saw you going to the stage out there earlier and we really need a singer. The girl who was supposed to sing got sick at the last minute! And we announced everyone a special person would come sing!"

"I'm not sure I-"


"I'm not a special per-"

"You can eat anything you want for free! And we'll pay you well!"

"*cough cough* If it's like that I guess I can-"


In a second, she brought me backstage, and informed the staff I would sing for entertainment. They told me to put on a light green dress with another lighter green dress on top for some "fluff" according to the person.

Worker: My!! You look very pretty-she added something that I don't know on my face- (makeup) You shouldn't hide your pretty face with that frog mask!

Emma: Thank you but-

Staff: Hurry up please, we are losing clients!

They hurriedly pushed me on the stage and everyone turned to me hoping for some fun. I was nervous, but this might actually be fun.

Tada!!! YEP YEP I know this chapter was boring but I assure you the next one will be fresh😎 Maybe norman and Emma will sing-? MHMmmMm anyway I should sleep now so BYE💜

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