Opening Madness

446 8 5

3rd POV

Various whispers can be heard from the crowd. Their chattering is cut off as a spotlight shines. A chibi version of Y/N in a tux runs to the spotlight with sweat drops following behind him. Once in the spotlight he huffs before standing up straight.

Chibi Y/N: "Thank you everyone for coming to tonight's show. We've got quite the event planned for you. But first a quick message."

A massive bubble with Y/N's face appears with an anime angry mark.

Chibi Y/N: "It's strongly encouraged that you put any and all electronic devices on silent. Because there's nothing more annoying than a person interrupting a movie, you know who you are."

The bubble disappears as chibi Y/N sighs.

Chibi Y/N: "Now, without further delay, let the show... begin!"

He hurries off the stage as a projection is shown on the screen. After an old timey countdown the show finally begins.


Hello dear readers, tis I the newest Y/N L/N in Lonegamer's story collection. I thank you for checking out my story. But I know why you're here, let's get right into it.

Y/N: "I understand there're certain rules to this world. But all I want to know is why in bloody hell can't everyday be either casual Friday or taco Tuesday?"

The man I'm talking to pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs in an exasperated way.

Man: "Sir, it's been two hours and I just want to know if you wanna upsize your drink."

Y/N: "Oh, is that what we were doing?"

Line: "Yes!!!!!"

Y/N: "How much to upsize?"

Man: "Five cents."

Y/N: "That's highway robbery! In fact this warrants another discussion. I believe..."

I'm kicked out of restaurant landing face first on the sidewalk.

Y/N: "Oof!"

I get up and dust myself off when the owner places a sign on the door saying no more Y/Ns. I raise my fist in the air and shout.

Y/N: "I will never forgive this betrayal!!!!!"

I place a call and ten minutes later the health inspector arrives. I laugh to myself and walk down the street when I come across this store with just a garbage of a name.

Y/N: *to readers* "Someone should really change the name of that store. Also that could be grounds for copyright by Robert Kurtzman."

I look back at the store when an alarm rings from inside.

Y/N: "And so RWBY begins. If I hurry I can see Ruby in action."

As I reach for the door my main character sense go off. I jump all the way back as Roman crashes through the door onto the street. I smile and use the toon force. I enter my weapon and aim at Roman.

Roman: "Where the hell the tank come from!?!?!?!?!"

I open the hatch and smile at Roman.

Y/N: "I made it."

Roman: "That's highly excessive!!!!"

Y/N: "You're just mad cause I'm in a tank and you're not."

I aim the cannon at Roman and fire blast after blast at him. As he struggles to dodge I laugh like my name was GSP. 

Y/N: "Sweet destruction!!!!!"

My cannon clicks making me groan.

Y/N: "Looks like I shot all my shots. Prepare for hand to hand combat!!!!"

I jump out my tank and rush at Roman. Except that's when he fires a flare directly in my face.


*2:42 - 2:45*

I rub my eyes and upon regaining my vision I see a bullhead near a building. I climb up the ladder and once I reach the top I see something that makes my blood fly south.

Y/N: "Sweet massive mommy milkers."

I run straight to heaven with outstretched arms. But instead of going to motorboat city I'm punched to the ground. The woman then steps on my face.

Glynda: "Filthy boy."

Y/N: "Crush me Titzilla."

Her eyes trail down and go wide seeing my surprise for her. 

Glynda: "You no good pervert!!!!"

She waves a riding crop and zaps me with lightning. I just welcome it and scream in ecstasy. After getting off I'm dragged to a police station along with Ruby. Glynda paces and berates us. While Ruby looks down in shame I watch as Glynda's tits jiggle with every step she takes.

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