~|| Chapter 4 ||~

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|| Russia's POV ||

I slowly opened my eyes. The bright light of the sun almost blinded me. The dorm was quiet,and I was on the couch.

"Why am I here,again?"I mumbled.

I just stood up and washed my face. After drying with a towel,I walked to the kitchen to cook some food when I saw something on the table.

It looked like a lunch box,and beside it was like a cover. I lifted it,revealing some mouth-watering breakfast on a plate. A note was stuck on the table next to it.

"Thanks for letting me stay the night:)"

I smiled lightly at the kind gesture. So Philip made me some breakfast AND lunch. He's actually nice,huh...

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The whole has been quite weird. I can't seem to focus like I would usually do. I CAN snap out of it,but I always feel like I'll drift off sooner or later.

Finally,it was lunch. I sighed as I heard the bell ring outside. Me and my classmates streamed out of the room.

After getting my lunch box,I sat down at a table and sighed. I sat at the table near the corner where the window was.

Weather's nice today. Did I only notice that now?I've always concentrated on my class and the lesson,but I rarely looked out the window. In fact,AT ALL.

"Yo!You good,bro?"Zak suddenly appeared behind me.

"Huh?Oh,uhmm,ahem,yes. I'm fine."I answered.

Zak,my brother,and my two other sisters Ukraine and Belarus,sat at my table. They placed their trays on the table,but glanced at the lunch box infront of me.

"So who made that one?"Ukraine asked.

"Oh,a friend."I replied,shrugging.

"A friend,huh?Is this 'friend' a girl?"Bela raised a brow.

I stared at her before laughing a bit. My siblings were taken back from my reaction. Of course,they'd think it's a girl.

Because of my status in school,a lot of girls try their best to "get good" with me or whtever they say. They typically send me love letters,sometimes gifts,and occasionally,lunch.

"Don't worry. I helped one of the students,which is a male,and he made me breakfast and lunch as a thank you."I explained.

My siblings still had a face that said they were NOT convinced. I gave them a reassuring smile and nod,making them sigh.

"Sure,it's just a friendly gesture."Ukraine shrugged.

"I mean,BOYS can court you too or whatever."Bela said.

"Really,it's nothing like what you think."I tried convincing them.

My sisters just sighed while Zak gave me a sympathetic smile. He patted my back to comfort me and tell me,in a way,that he believed me.

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After afternoon classes,I walked out my classroom with an empty lunch box in my hand. I went to peek at the other room.

Teachers these days just loves overtiming,don't they?In fact,my class was the only one that have been dismissed already.

"Excuse me."I called out softly.

The teacher looked up and turned to me. I could hear the silent murmuring and squealing of girls.

"May I borrow Philippines for a while?"I asked.

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