|| Chapter 8 ||

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A few days have passed,and Philip has been spending more time at Russia's dorm after his tutoring session.

Just now,Philip returned to his dorm,and Vietnam was sitting at the couch with a weird smirk on his face.


"So...How was it?~"Vietnam cooed.

"How was what?"Philip asked.

"The date.~"he teased,wiggling his brows.

"...The what?"Philip was getting confused.

Vietnam had the literal lenny face. Philip had a straight face,but it slowly turned to a flushed one. His face glowed red.

"You mean...With Russia?!"Philip freaked out.

"Took you long enough."Indo said,walking out the bedroom."So how was it?"

"I didn't go on a date,you IDIOTS."Philip hissed.

"Yeah,well,your blush says otherwise."Mal said,coming from behind the Filipino.

"What?Where did YOU come from?"Philip asked,looking Malay up and down.

"That doesn't matter. Just tell us,P."Vietnam said."Have you been going out with Russia SECRETLY?"

"No!What the heck?!"Philip answered.

"So how come you spend WAY more time with Russia nowadays?"Mal inquired.

"W-Well..."Philip racked his brain for an excuse.

If there's one thing Philip needs to avoid,it's letting his dormmates know he has a video game.

Indo,Mal and Vietnam likes to mess with Philip when he's gaming. And if they hear that Philip has a video game,no matter how well it's hidden,they'll sniff it out like dogs.

"WELL?"Indo raised his brow.

"Well...I...I,um...I'm having more trouble with Math."Philip muttered.

"Oh,really?Because it seems to me you're doing just fine,considering that you're so fast in answering."Malay pointed out.

"...Just leave me alone!"Philip said,walking to his room.

The Pinoy fell on his bed and sighed loudly. He grumbled a few things. He was irritated with his friends,and he told himself the red on his face was from anger,and it wasn't blush.

"Why would they even assume I'm dating someone?"Philip mumbled.

As for Russia,he was dealing with the same thing. Three people were in his dorm to talk about it: Ame,Canada and China.

"So are you two dating or not?"Ame was asking.

"Not!It's not!How many times do I have to say that?"Russia answered,keeping his composed look but losing patience.

"Why are you taking more time then?"Canada asked.

"Because he likes to play his game here."Russia reasoned.

"...Game?"China muttered.

Russia blushed,quickly catching up to what China was thinking. Because of the reaction,China smirked,along with Ame and Canada.

"A game,you say?"Canada giggled.

"N-No!Not like that."Russia stuttered."I meant a video game."

"Yeah,sure."Ame sarcastically and suspiciously said.

"I swear,it IS a video game. I'll show you the game if you want proof."Russia told desperately.

"Okay,okay,calm down,Russia."China patted Russia's shoulder.

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