|| Chapter 6 ||

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A few weeks have passed. Teachers were rarely in class,but as promised,students must study and pass their activities.

Someone was not exactly happy about it. Russia AND Philip were both disappointed since it was intended that the Filipino would try and speak up in class.

Well,at least Philip gets to answer whenever the teachers are around. But would that be enough to raise the grades?

Setting down his pen,Philip let out a relieved sigh. He finished his last activity in Math,and he already checked it over to look for mistakes.

After passing it to the teacher's desk,Philip returned to his seat. He looked down at his pen.

"Was it always blue?I don't think I've noticed it before."Philip thought.

He brought up the pen to his face and examined it. He racked his brain to try and remember having a blue pen,but nothing came.

"Wait...Is this..."Philip gasped."Crap,it's Russia's pen."

The Filipino started to silently panic. He had the pen of the principal's son...THE PRINCIPAL'S SON.

"Okay,okay,calm down. I can return it later."Philip started to take deep breathes.

No wonder it felt weird to write with. Philip just pocketed it and kept quiet. He was the first to finish,and his classmates were still answering.

So he secretly slipped out of the class and into the hallway. Philip decided to peek into the auditorium,which was where the auditions were held.

Philip stepped in,and the people who was preparing the set stopped to look at the boy.

"If you're here for the auditions,it doesn't start 'til later after class hours."one of the staff told.

"I-I'm not here to audition."Philip corrected.

"Do you have activities to finish?"the man inquired.

"Uh,no. I've finished them all."Philip answered.

"Then can you come help us?"the man asked.

"Sure,I guess."Philip muttered.

The auditorium was cold and dark. Only the stage was lit up. It's creepy,but not creepy at the same time.

The Filipino ended up carrying boxes with props and costumes,which weren't that heavy. It was actually fun. Philip got to meet the school's staff and befriend them.

"So you're not auditioning?"a female asked.

"Nope. I just wanted to check out the set for the play."Philip replied,lifting up a box.

"Ooh~. Well,we're expecting a lot of students to come."the female said.

"A lot WILL come. I've seen the list. Well...Lists,I mean."Philip chuckled.

After placing down the box of props,the female invited Philip to help her paint the background for the play.

"I'm sorry if you feel like you were forced to do this."the female apologized.

"No,no,it's completely fine. I have nothing to do anyways."Philip sighed."This should at least kill some time."

And at that moment,the doors to the auditorium burst open and the lights were powered on. Philip had to close his eyes for a while before his eyes adjusted.

A long line of students entered and sat down on the seats,excited and nervous to be a part of the play. After everyone settled down,the room was quiet.

Since Philip aided the staff in creating some of the set,he was given the front row seat,just for the time being.

But before auditions started,a certain man entered. He walked down the center isle. The girls gasped and gawked at Russia,who made his way to the front.

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