|| Chapter 29 ||

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Philip was in a diner near the school. Russia had invited him to breakfast there since he wanted to discuss something. Apparently,it's something to not be said among the other students.

The place had this old feeling to it. It was like it was stuck in the '80s. The diner had the classic black and white checkered floor. The counter had stools for people who wanted to eat there. The seats were cushioned,and the table was drilled into the floor. The walls were covered with photos in black and white,and even had a stereo.

The waiters and waitresses had the typical uniform. The place was serving breakfast since it was early morning.

A tall man entered the place,wearing a coat and scarf. He pulled off his scarf as he walked to Philip and took of his coat while he sat down.

"Good morning."Russia greeted with a smile.

"Morning!"Philip replied.

After ordering,a waitress brought them their food. While they ate,Russia was staring at Philip. The Filipino tried to ignore it.

A moment of silence past,and Russia wiped his mouth with a napkin before preparing himself.

"Philip. About what I wanted to talke about..."

Philip froze and looked up at the Russian.


"It's about what happened at camp."

The Filipino stared down at his meal before his expression softened. He only hummed and nodded. Russia was a little surprised.

"What happened?"

"I...Well,it's...difficult to say."Russia whispered.

"Then you don't have to say it."Philip soothed."I don't want to force you."

"...Thank you."Russia muttered."Still,there's something I'd still like to discuss."

"What is it?"

"About camp. A few are a bit sensitive when it comes to what happened."Russia informed."Try not to talk about ANYTHING that has to do with camping. Or going on trips."

"Got it."

"And don't ask about the teachers."

This addition made Philip perk up. Teachers?Why?What about it?Russia seemed a bit uncomfortable,but hid it behind a stern expression.

"What about the teachers?"

"Just don't ask anything regarding the teachers."Russia said.

Philip chewed on his fork. He only hummed,staring at his nearly empty plate. After breakfast,Philip and Russia walked back to school.

The two parted ways,and Philip headed straight for his classroom. He encountered a handful of girls whispering. They all paused when they saw Phil.

"Good morning."Philip greeted,trying to lift the tension that was seemingly targetted towards him.

The girls remained silent before whispering to each other. There's a big possibility they're talking about him.

"Hey,have you heard?"one girl asked mysteriously,turning to the Filipino.

"Heard what?"Philip replied,sweating a little.

"About...Ms. Lorraine."she whispered the familiar name.

Philip perked up. Ms. Lorraine was Philip's English teacher. She was probably the most strict teacher the Filipino had in his life. Now that her name was mentioned,Philip realized he hasn't seen her recently.

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