|| Chapter 24 ||

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The exams are closing in. It was just two weeks away. Indo and Malay were flipping through books and notebooks,cramming topics that they already studied before.

Vietnam was getting nervous,too. But he had Pipa sit on his lap and stroke her head,which calmed him down.

Even Philip was anxious. He was listening to music,trying to drown away his worries.

But they weren't the only ones who was nervous for their exams. Sr. Lander had created panic. His students told the other students about their exam,and that's when it all started.

The news arrived to the ears of the principal. So now,Soviet's trying to find a way to calm his students down.

Russia's trying to help,too...Well,he's only trying to help Philip. He came to visit the Filipino,and is now sitting beside Philip,who is currently in misery.

"Calm down,Phil. I'm sure everything will turn out good."Russia soothed.

"Easy for you to say. I'm sure YOU'LL pass."Philip grumbled.

"You will,too. Trust me."Russia said,patting the Pinoy's back.

"Wooow!I could REALLY use that comfort right now."Malay sarcastically remarked.

Philip only rolled his eyes at his friend. He flipped them off before falling back on his bed beside Russia.

The Russian stroked Philip's hair,which calmed down the latter. Indo,Malay and Vietnam would usually tease their friend about it,but they're to busy freaking out.

Russia stared out into the room. It was quiet,except for the sound of pages being turned and the fast breathing of Pipa.

"Hey,listen. I'll let you all in a secret."Russia said.

This was enough to catch everyone's attention. They all turned their heads towards the principal's son.

"I heard dad's planning on a trip."Russia told in a low voice that was loud enough to be heard.

"What kind of trip?"Indo asked,intrigued.

"...Do you guys like camping?"

The gang gasped. The three hurried over to Philip's bed,where the Filipino sat with Russia to make sure they heard correctly.

"What about camping?"Indo questioned,his eyes were sparkling.

"Well,dad said he got a call from a friend of his."Russia began.

"Uh-huh,uh-huh,then what?"

"Apparently,this friend of his is opening up a new camping grounds."Russia continued."He called dad to see if he's interested in sending the students over to the grounds. And at the end,the students will answer a survey to see what they think of the place."

"What's that for?"Philip asked.

"The camping grounds aren't officially open yet. Dad's friend wants to here a few comments to see if there are things that needs to be fixed."Russia explained.

"Whoo-hoo!"Indo cheered."We're going to camping!"

"Uh-uh. Don't get your hopes up yet."Russia cut off."Dad told me and my siblings about this. But he said he needs time to think about it."

A sad chorus of "aww" echoed around the dorm. Russia could only smile. Philip laughed at his friends' reactions,but felt bad for them,too.

"Maybe Russia can convince Mr. USSR."Philip jokingly said.

"Can't you,Russia?"Vietnam whined,and Pipa followed with a whimper.

"There's FOUR of us trying to convince him."Russia reassured."If dad decides to agree,he'll announce it later on."

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