|| Chapter 10 ||

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Philip's tutoring session was done,and all he needed to wait for is for Russia to finish up a call. It was his father. He stood beside the table with the phone beside his ear.

Out of boredom,Philip started to doodle little hearts on the paper. He chuckled and giggled as he filled in the hearts with the red pen.

Then,an idea popped up. He looked up at Russia. He seemed to be in a serious conversation with his dad.

Steadily,Philip grabbed Russia's hand and carefully pulled it closer. The Russian didn't mind. He was too deep into his call.

With a quiet giggle,Philip took a white pen and started to doodle on Russia's right hand's ring finger. He drew a little heart.

"Hey,why don't you play your game for now?You're done with the activity,right?"Russia said.

"Yup!"Philip answered.

The Filipino happily rushed to the living and set up his game. Russia smiled and exhaled,then went back to his call.

"Yeah,Philip's doing fine...Yup,he..."Russia trailed off.

He looked down at his right hand and saw the white heart of the ring finger. A bit of confusion came to the Russian before he blushed a bit.

Russia glanced at Philip,who was playing his video game already. The principal's son blinked a few times before his heart started to race.

"Russia?Are you there?"Soviet's voice from the other line asked.

"Huh?O-Oh,uh,yeah yeah,I'm here."Russia stuttered."Hey,dad,I gotta go. Thanks,again."

Russia ended the call. Then he crept back to hide himself from Philip's view range behind a wall. There,he let it all out.

Russia was SCREAMING inside. He felt like his heart was gonna explode and run through his chest. His brain was jumbled up. Russia pressed his back on the wall and slowly sat down.

The "slowly sit down" plan was quickly changed when Russia fell on his knees. He felt weak for some reason.

"Why are you overreacting?It's just a heart."Russia thought.

The Russian let out a groan that mixed with a sigh. He rubbed his face as if it would remove the blush. He calmed down,luckily.

"Just...Just wash it off,Russia."he told himself.

Russia stood up and walked over to the sink. He opened the faucet,but as the water rushed out,Russia couldn't bring himself to do it.

He tried to FORCE himself to wash the drawn heart on,but he failed. So he closed the faucet for now and grabbed his phone.

The heart can't stay there forever. After all,it'll wear off at some point. But at least Russia could preserve the doodle. So he took a picture of it.

That seemed to satisfy him. Although,he didn't feel like erasing it. Maybe he could keep it there,just for now.

With that,Russia walked to the living room and sat down beside Philip. The Filipino took peek at his schoolmate,then down to his finger.

"It's still there. Did he still not notice it?"Philip thought.

The gamer snickered mischieviously at that thought. Russia heard,and of course,he's curious as to why Philip's laughing.

"Is something wrong?"Russia asked.

"No,no,it's nothing."Philip shrugged.

The Russian looked away. He looked a little worried. Was it because of the heart?

Little did the students knew is that both were blushing. Philip was blushing,perhaps out of joy that Russia decided to keep the heart,and Russia was flushed red from embarrassment.

"Yes!Yes,yes,yes,yes,yessss!"Philip softly cheered.

"Hm?What is it?"Russia asked.

"Neptune's passed his level!Just one more and I'll be able to fight others."Philip giggled.

Russia looked at the screen,then back at Philip. A small,sweet smile appeared on his face and a tint of pink on his cheeks could be seen.

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The next day was another normal school day. Philip was walking down the hallway to his locker with his friends.

The Filipino was unlocking his locker while listening to Malay ranting and Indo arguing with him. Philip and Vietnam just remained quiet.

"Oh!"Philip gasped when an envelope fell from the locker.

"...What's that?"Indo asked.

"Uh,a letter?"Philip tilted his head to his left as he examined the envelope.

"Who sends letters nowadays?"Malay questioned.

"Teachers?Old people?"Vietnam listed.

"...Secret admirers."Philip added when he saw the contents of the letter.

The clean white paper had words written in cursive. It was a love letter...For Philip?He and his friends read the letter. The Filipino couldn't help but blush.

"Woah...It's an ACTUAL love letter."Indo whispered in amazement.

"Who sent it?"Vietnam asked.

"I don't know. It says here,'Your Secret Admirer'."Philip read.

And in a few minutes,the news about the love letter spread around the school. It WOULDN'T have if Indonesia could've just celebrated QUIETLY.

But he literally shouted. And now everyone was bombarding Philip with questions about it and commenting about it.

And of course,Malay and Indo acted like the Filipino's bodyguard,who walked behind him,and Vietnam swinging his bag while he led the group out the crowd that followed them.

"Alright,people. No more questions!"Indo yelled,but everyone ignored him.

From a distance,there stood Russia. He was with China,Canada and Ame,like the usual.

"Damn...Already starting it,huh?"Ame teased.




"What do you mean 'no'?"China inquired,raising a brow in confusion.

"That letter...I didn't make it."Russia muttered.

China looked at the English brothers. Russia had a VERY familiar expression on his face,which his friends and family knew TOO well.

Russia watched as Philip was being attacked by a bunch of his schoolmates. Of course,they wanted to ask him.

Even the school's student reporters were requesting for an interview for the school paper. What a disaster. And the Russian only watched.

"Forget it..."Russia sighed with a sad smile."Let's just go."

"Are you sure?"Canada questioned.

"It was just a crush. I'll move on."Russia reassured.

Ame looked at his brother and China. The three of them had worried thoughts. Heartbreak isn't something people want. ESPECIALLY not Russia.

"Let's just join him. We can make him feel better."China suggested.

"Okay."the brothers mumbled.


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You'll be getting short chapters for a little while now. I'll try my best to write more.


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