|| Chapter 9 ||

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Trees were shedding more leaves nows and its been messing up the school's clean surroundings and yards.

That's why first period was cancelled and the students were outside raking leaves. The teachers were there,too. But the people who were a part of the play were still practicing.

"I can't tell if I'm happy we don't have classes or mad that we're sweating buckets outside."Ame whined.

"And it's cold,too."China pointed out.

"Let's just continue."Russia told.

A few seconds later,screaming could be heard. Some guy ran past students with another person chasing him with a rake.

"Come back here,asshole!Where's my best friend's money?!"the person said.

And after a while,Philip came running,panting. He was going fast,but not fast enough. Despite him continuing on his run,he looked like he could faint any minute.

"Philip!"Russia left his rake and jogged over to the Filipino.

"I...I need to..."Philip panted.

"It's alright,calm down."Russia soothed.

A few teachers came running and sprinting past them. It seemed like there were some trouble.

"What's happening?"Russia questioned.

"Mal's chasing a guy who loaned 20 pesos from me."Philip sighed.

"Ahh...So that was your friend."Russia let out a nervous chuckle.

Philip held tight on Russia's shoulder as he tried to catch his breath. The taller student helped his friend walk over to a bench to sit down.

"Thanks."Philip strained as he took the water bottle that was offered to him.

"I'm sure the teachers will catch your friend."Russia assured.

And as if it was on cue,the teachers came,dragging Malay who was kicking the air. The boy he was chasing was trailing behind,trying to dodge the kicks thrown by the Filipino's friend.

"Come here!Let go!He owes Philip 20 pesos!"Mal shouted.

"Is he...always like that?"Russia questioned,turning to Philip with a scared face.

"When it's about money,yes."the Filipino nodded.

A few teachers came to aid Philip by wiping his sweat and patting his back. After everything calmed down,everyone went back to work.

But Philip was allowed to take a break. He sat next to Malaysia,who was given a time-out and was to stay on the bench until class.

Malay grumbled curses under his breath as Philip looked at him like he was tired of this.

"You gotta stop chasing people who loaned money from us."Philip told.

"Tsk...It's THEIR fault. They didn't pay up when they were suppose to."Malay replied.

"You could've just asked nicely."Philip muttered.

"Eh,if you do that,thet'll say 'I don't have money right now'."Mal mocked."But then,they have money to buy dessert at lunch."

Philip looked at his feet. Malay had a point. Whenever someone loans from them,they'd lie their way out of paying. So Malay's actions are KIND of justified.

After a few more raking,the students returned to their classrooms. And since there were no meetings,the teachers were there to lecture their students.

Philip took every opportunity to raise his hand and answer. He's gotten used to answering,which was good news. And the teacher seemed pleased,even though he usually had this poker face.

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