|| Chapter 20 ||

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It was a big day. Everyone woke up feeling excited and cheery. Outside,the paths were caked with snow and it was cold,but inside the Silverwing Academy,it was warm and exploding with Christmas decorations.

Philip was dressing up and fixing his hair. Surprisingly,the atmosphere in his dorm was calm. No shouting,no panicking,just a serene silence.

A knock interrupted the Filipino's thoughts. A certain white-haired friend peeked inside the bathroom.

"Yo!"Malay called.

"Yeah?What's up?"Philip asked,turning to his dormmate.

"Indo can't find his hair gel."the striped country informed.

"Indo wears hair gel?"

"Rarely. He wants to look his best today."

"...Uhh,is THIS the hair gel?"Philip held up a container.

"Yup,I think it is."

Philip tossed the gel to Malay,and he caught it perfectly. After closing the door,the Filipino went back to fixing his hair.

"Would Russia think I look cute?"Philip thought.

He didn't even deny the fact that he just asked that question. Philip had already awknowledged his crush for that certain someone.

After styling his hair in every way he could think,he finally felt satisfied and walked out.

Indo and Malay were helping Vietnam out. The Malaysian was combing him and Indo was rummaging through a bag,looking for something.

"Oh,what's up,Phil?"Vietnam greeted.

"You guys ready?"the Pinoy asked.

"HE is."Indo muttered,playing with a pin.

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The group walked inside the gymnasium. The place was decorated,and a huge Christmas Tree stood in the corner. Under it was a long table with gifts.

"Did you guys bring your gifts?"Vietnam asked.



"Me neither. Let's go get them."

Malaysia,Indo and Vietnam bolted out,leaving Philip alone. He dragged a bag filled with gifts and placed them on the table under the tree.

The Filipino stared out into the sea of students,dancing and singing,partying like there's no tomorrow.

Philip stood near the food table. The Dessert Section looked tempting,and the moment Vietnam sees the chocolate fountain,he's gonna start choking and coughing,like what happened in the Fall Party.

Before his chocolate-addicted friend arrived,Philip might as well enjoy the fountain while it's still there.

Philip took a strawberry and let the chocolate cover the tip of it. He bit the end off as he watched the crowd partying like it was some club.

"Do you like the strawberry and chocolate?"Russia appeared out of nowhere,and Philip didn't even flinch.

"Mmm...I dunno. Tastes a little weird."Philip muttered.

"Would you eat another one though?"the Russian asked.

"...Yeh."Philip ate the whole strawberry.

The Filipino looked out into the crowd. There were more people now,and some of them were familiar.

"Wait...Isn't that...Kiara and Kris?!"Philip thought when he spotted two figures in the corner."What are THEY doing here?!"

"Uhm,Roo?Are other students from different schools attending the Christmas Party,too?"

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