|| Chapter 17 ||

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"...I think Kiara...was trying to frame North."

Silence engulfed the four. Malay and Vietnam exchanged glances while Russia just stared at Philip. He was surprised,but his face was neutral.

"I'm sorry?Could you repeat that?"Russia nervously laughed.

"I said,I think Kiara was trying to frame North of pushing her."Philip repeated.

"And why is that?!"a voice boomed.

Kris came bursting in the room. With the expression he had,he looked like he could explode any moment.

Kiara was behind him,looking all innocent and hurt. Their father and Soviet was also with them,along with the other principals who decided to see where this drama will lead to.

And last but not the least,North Korea with a dazed and worried look on his face. South was with him to accompany his twin.

"I would never try to frame North."Kiara mumbled.

"It was just a guess."Philip scowled.

"Then,care to explain why you think so?"Kris threatened.

He glared at the Filipino. Philip only glared back. But he raised his head. Russia was about to step in when Philip stopped him.

"Okay. Then I'll explain."Philip sighed.

"Go ahead."Kris crossed his arms.

Philip was pissed,but managed to keep his composure. He steered his gaze to Kiara,who flinched and started to act nervous. But Philip could see right through her.

"Ms. Kiara,you claimed earlier that North pushed you,but you then say you tripped."Philip recalled."I became suspicious."

"Why would you become suspicious?"Mr. Reynold inquired.

"She goes making a scene that someone pushed her,but denies it in the end."Philip summarized."Does Ms. Kiara want to make a fool out of herself?"

Kris clenched his fist. He felt like puncing someone. But the fact that there were principals with him held him back.

"What are you saying?"Kiara asked.

"You fell earlier since you were on the floor,right?"Philip asked.

"Why are you asking questions with obvious answers?"Kris burst out.

Philip glared at the man. Kris asked for an explanation and he's getting one right now. But he keeps interjecting?Rude.

"Mind keeping your mouth shut?"Philip sneered.

"Tsk..."Kris looked away.

"Anyways,Kiara fell. How?Let's use what Ms. Kiara said. She could've tripped,or North pushed her."Philip speculated."Let's look into North pushing her."

Kris opened his mouth to say something,but Philip quickly said something.

"Looking at North's attire,he had a cape draped over his left arm."Philip observed.

"Uhh...Yeah?"North mumbled.

"From what I saw,Ms. Kiara fell on the left side of North."Philip said."Now,if North DID push Kiara,he would've used his left arm to do it since it'd be closer. But his cape would've gave it away.

If he used his right arm,he would've needed to turn around. But if he did,he wouldn't have enough time to turn around and act normal."

Philip continued.

"Now...Kiara said she tripped. There are three ways she could've done that. One is that she could've slipped. But as Mr. Reynold said earlier..."

The principal flinched.

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