|| Chapter 15 ||

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Some time have passed since Marcus was suspended(just two days actually). Philip was with Russia in his dorm. After two days without tutoring,they had a lot to catch up on.

After a while,they finished. Philip celebrated by stretching his back first and cracking his knuckles,which relieved some stress on his joints.

"Ahhhhh...We're finished."Philip sighed.

"Mm...I think we'll be having less tutoring sessions from now on."Russia voiced.

"Huh?Why?"Philip asked,sitting up straight.

"Since the Fall Party's close,the teachers will just go through the previous lessons,again."Russia told.

Philip frowned a bit. It'd be sad,but hey,they can at least hang out. Just then,a "ding" sound interrupted the silence. The Filipino fished out his phone and saw a notification from Indonesia.

"Yo we goin shopping this weekend>:D"the message said.

"Why do i have to come along?"Philip replied.

"Cuz you my bestie UwU anyways got a ride"Indo's reply came.

"Is that a question or r u bragging????"Philip decided to add multiple question marks to try and hint to Indo to put a mark at the end of his sentences.

"A question duh"Indo responded."I dont want to put those dots and marks it makes me look scary"

"Adding periods and marks at the end of a sentence is NOT scary. It's normal."Philip texted.

"Your using correct grammar and periods now its creepy"Indo's text said."Thats not normal for you"

"At least put the apostrophe."Philip messaged.

"Tf is an appostrophe???",Indo.

"It's this symbol ('). And there's only one p in apostrophe."Philip sent his response.

"You mean like thi's??"Indo asked.

It made Philip snicker a bit,but sighed disappointedly. He was so engrossed in texting that he didn't notice the Russian behind him.

"Dumbass"Philip texted."This is what you get for skipping preschool"

"Hey!>:( Dont attack me preschool was boring"Indo replied.

"Anyways about shopping"Philip typed.

"Oh,yeah:D U got a car or sumthing?"Indo asked.

"No i don't even have a driver's license"Philip answered.

"U need a license??O.O"Indo's text flashed on the Filipino's screen.

"Yeh dumbass"Philip replied,smiling."I dont have a car,and I don't know how to drive."

"Can u ask someone tho?"Indo asked.




"Whatever just ask someone"

Philip grumbled as he closed his phone. His screen turned black,and his reflection showed. And there was another man in the reflection.

"Ah!Multo!"Philip exclaimed,jumping up.

"It's just me."Russia gave a soft smile.

"Oh,thank goodness..."Philip sighed."Oh,hey. I wanted to ask."

"If you're gonna ask me if I have a car,no,I don't have one."Russia told.


"If you're gonna ask me if I can drive,yes,I can."Russia continued.

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