|| Chapter 23 ||

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Russia was walking Philip to his dorm. It was almost curfew,and the Filipino dreaded in staying with Russia,again.

The two waved goodbye. So far,days are going by and everything's fine,right?

The principal's son headed to his dorm. The sun was setting,and the landscape was tinted with orange. How beautiful. Russia imagined how beautiful Philip's eyes would be during sunset.

He smiled at the thought. It would be quite the sight. Russia opened his dorm's door and entered. He switched open his lights,to see that two people have infiltrated his place.

"Lily?Marcus?What the heck are you two doing here?"Russia asked.

"That's not nice to say,Russia.~"Lily said in a baby voice,to which the Russian returned with a face of disgust.

"Me and Lily here just want to talk,that's all."Marcus mysteriously said.

"Talk about WHAT?"Russia sneered.

"Philip. Who else?Look,it seems like the three of us have the hots for little ol' Phil."Marcus scoffed.

"Mmh...Philip's just so cute!"Lily exclaimed dramatically."So stay away from him."

"Huh?You don't get to tell me what to do."Russia retorted.

Lily glared at the Russian. Her eye twitched as Marcus just leaned on the wall with his arms crossed. He clicked his tongue before pushing himself from the wall.

"I'm sure you don't like me because of the incident last year."Marcus began."But I changed,I swear. New year,new me,right?"

"That doesn't mean I'll let go of what you did."Russia said.

"This is taking up my time,so let's get this straight."Marcus gave a sickening smirk."Do us a favor and keep away from Phil. It'd be easier with less competition."

"Why me,and not Lily?"Russia asked.

"She's an interesting chick. I'd like to keep her."Marcus reasoned,chuckling.

"She's crazy."

"I know."

"Get out."

Russia slammed the door close. He clicked his tongue in anger and sat down on the couch. Russia already had problems,and Marcus just had to add up to those problems.

"You're too beautiful for your own good,Phil."

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"So is that plus six?"

"No,Indo. It's TIMES six. It's literally nowhere near a plus!"

"Well,I'm SORRY."

The four friends of 4-D were all hanging out in their dorm room. Malay and Indo were reviewing their Math lesson,arguing from time to time.

Vietnam was lying on his stomach,reading a book he got back at Christmas. Philip was scrolling on his phone.

"Sheesh,can you guys not get any louder?"Vietnam asked,annoyed.

"He started it!"Indo and Malay both pointed to each other.

"Like a bunch of kids."Vietnam mumbled,then returned to reading.

Silence followed. It was a calm afternoon. It was peaceful. It was a rare moment that usually don't happen in school,but here we are.


"What the heck was that,Indo?"

"Why are you blaming me?!"


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