Sickness and Sorrow

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I wake up after another night of restless sleep. I'm laying on top of Mary on the sofa bed, the rise and fall of her chest is soothing.

My head is still pounding, but I feel just generally sick now. My nose is runny and stuffy at the same freaking time. My cough has turned violent, and it just hurts to move all in all. I don't know how I cought this stupid cold, but God, I can't wait til it passes.

Mary hears my heart beat change, her senses still just as agile in sleep, and her eyes flutter open. She's leant up on a pillow, and I'm sleeping with my head on her lap and stomach area.

She looks down sleepidly and smiles, "Morning sleepy head."


"How'd you sleep?"

"Take a guess," I roll my eyes.

"Terrible, oh I'm sorry. How is your cold doing?"

"I feel even worse today, Mary," my eyes are watering, "can you fix it Mary? I feel so bad, I feel like my soul is being ripped from my body. Everything hurts, heart included. Sally being dead is making it worse. Why did she have to go and die Mary? She was such a good friend."

She grabs a tissue and hands it to me, all the while stroking my hair, "shhhhh, shhhh, shhhh." She spoke softly, but before put her hand to my head and frowned, "your burning up. I know how you must feel, I wish I could help you honey, but I can't. I feel the same about Sally too, I'm sure everyone does. We all loved her equally. It's ok to feel bad about that Tessa, that's part of the possess of getting over it. Cry if you want to, I won't judge, no one will. We're all going through the same sorrow."

At this I was crying. The worst part was that I wasn't just crying for Sally, I really feel so bad that I don't know what I would do without Mary.

In this state I know I won't function through the full school day so when I stop crying I ask Mary, "Mary, I hate to ask this, but will you stay home with me today?"

"I would in a heartbeat," her smile fades a bit, "but I'm not sure if I can miss anymore days without a note."

"I'll call mom and ask her to give you one, can you pass me my phone?"

"Sure," she got up from under me to grab my device from the kitchen.

She brought it to me, kissed me on the forehead, and said, "while you call her I'm going to start making you some breakfast."

"Ok, thanks," I mustered between a violent cough. It feels like I'm coughing I p a freaking lung.

I dial mom's number and she answers on the third ring, "Hello, this is Millie."

"Hi," I sneeze and blow my nose really quick, "sorry, hi mom."

"Good bless you sweetie, that sounds pretty bad. Are you sick?"

"Yeah mom, I am. That's um what I called to ask you about. I need a favor."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I hate to ask, but I was wondering if you could allow Mary and I off of school until I'm better?"

"Maybe, how sick are you?"

"I'm sick enough to where we slept on the sofa, and it hurts to move any, and everything."

"I don't know..."

"Please mom,....I just....I don't want to be alone."

"Fine yes, but I'm coming to check on you later on."

"Ok, thank you, I'll be here. Bye mom."

"Bye sweetie."

She hung up and me and Mary spent the rest of the day together on the couch.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so, we'll like this. It's going to start getting more interesting soon. Once again sorry for this boring chapter, IT WILL GET BETTER I PROMISE. Comment if you have questions or anything, even if you just wanna ask me random shit. Xoxo ~Vic

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