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Yet to be checked for errors. Feel free to point them out for me.
Merlin had reached the gates of Camelot in an hour or so since he'd rested. The closer he got, the larger the turrets became and then more daunting his future became. This was it, despite it not seeming much of a move. This would become his life very soon, and Merlin hadn't an idea about it.

The man stepped through the gates into the lower towns, an energy he'd rarely experienced before washing over him. The people of Camelot rushed about with their day, some even shouting over each other in a hurried panic. Merlin's eyes travelled over stall after stall, the vibrant colours from every one of them drawing him in.

Some were selling foods like cheeses and meats, beckoning people over for tasters. Others were selling beautifully bright and Intricate cloths, hung over hooks on the supports of the stalls. Merlin found himself looking over a few of them, taken in by the pure newness of it all. His hands went over a few small wooden sculptures, animals and birds of varying species.

The atmosphere was certainly one to take in and Merlin knew it would be a few weeks before he got to grips with even just the first section of Camelot's vast city.

A bell chimed out up ahead of the man, drawing his attention further into the towns. That's when he remembered his promise. His friends would be waiting for him somewhere, where he didn't know but upon passing a tavern he got a good idea.

The warlock hastily made his way into the citadel, passing over a large wooden bridge and under a carefully crafted archway. Up above his head he could see balconies and delicately chiselled gargoyles. Flags and banners hung everywhere, the golden Pendragon crest a proud figure upon its blood red background. Merlin was in awe, he'd seen the citadel before but never had the chance to go beyond the bridge way. The few glimpses he had would never do the view justice. He couldn't believe he'd wake up everyday to see such a sight.

After a bit of walking Merlin finally found a helpful sign, it guiding him in the direction of the court physician. Gaius would often come to visit Ealdor in return for him and his mother going to Camelot. When he did, the skilled man would teach Merlin a thing or two about his magic. Of course he couldn't do much without books and such but after a few decades of experience and even afterwards, a plentiful amount of research gave Gaius a good hold on the subject. He'd teach Merlin spells on a range of different things, usually to do with helping his mother or practicing defense. The warlock was beyond grateful for the elders guidance, without it he would still be frightened of his gifts.


After an introduction and putting away his clothes Merlin left the caste again, heading out into the sun brightened light.
He was unable to believe what he saw when he entered his room, the place being at least half of his home beforehand. Then there was a bed, he'd never had one before and he'd certainly not expected one now.

Merlin had bid farewell to Gaius, saying he needed to find his friends and left in a hurry, knowing if he got lost then he'd definitely be late. He travelled back down to the lower towns, finding the tavern from earlier and pushing open the door.

Immediately the man was met with blind shouts and sluggish drunk voices. His eyes scanned the tavern, stopping every now and then thinking it was one of his friends.

Eventually a pained shout brought his attention to the far corner of the tavern as someone's legs flew up in the air. That person being Gwaine, he'd fallen off the table. Merlin smiled and walked over, offering Gwaine a hand. He pulled the drunkard up and patted his down.

"You alright?"

Gwaine flicked his hair out of his face, his eyes lighting up and he brought the other into a death gripping hug, "Merlin, you're here!"

Lancelot stood up, placing his tankard down and pulling Gwaine away, "Alright Gwaine, calm down"

"It's Merlin! Lance look!" he spoke like a child, pointing wild fingers at the man.

Lancelot nodded, laughing at Gwaine's movements, "I know"

Lancelot pulled Merlin into a softer hug, letting him go soon afterwards. He beckoned for the man to sit down. Gwaine quickly stopped him, gesturing for them to go outside Instead, claiming he needed air.

Merlin held out an arm for Gwaine to cling on to as they carefully made their way out of the tavern, Lancelot in tow.

When they blundered outside, Lancelot put his arm around Gwaine's free one, hoisting him up.

"So how was your trip?" He asked.

"Okay, It was easier than expected. I thought I'd have to take more breaks but not really," he responded.

Lancelot nodded, gesturing to Gwaine and laughing as he did, "hes had a bit too much to drink, if that wasn't obvious"

Merlin laughed as well, "yeah I'd gathered"

"We need to show you around at some point, I'm assuming you've looked around already?"

"Er sort of, I was looking at the stalls down there," he motioned with his head, "earlier, but I haven't had a chance to wonder about yet. I managed to find Gaius' Chambers though so there's that accomplishment"

"Well at least you found the citadel easily," Lancelot said.

Merlin hummed, "it's not exactly easy to miss," he laughed looking up at the great pillars above him.

The cream coloured bricks created a barrier between him and the other side. It was breath-taking really, Merlin knew it would take a while to get used to the differences. For instance, Merlin had to get his water from the local well in Ealdor whereas he'd walked past a pump earlier with a little girl pulling down on the handle. Surely however, it'd be a lot easier to do normal tasks, which was a comfort.

Gwaine suddenly lurched out of the men's arms, turning around as he did so, "when are we going to Introduce him!"

"What?" Merlin was confused.

"Yeah we need to..." Gwaine bowed suggestively, "introduce you"

Word count: 1056
Written on 23/11/21
Rewritten on 02/01/23
Feedback is appreciated <3

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