Pt3-The Job*

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Yet to be checked for errors. Feel free to point them out for me.
"Yeah you know how I told you I'd found a job for you?"

Merlin nodded, curious.

"Well you'll be a servant, I did tell you that right?"

"Yeah, that was all you told me really," Merlin responded.

"Ah, I may have left out a big-ish detail..."

Merlin faced Lancelot, his gaze hardening, "What"

"You'll be the Kings manservant," Lancelot blurted out as he took Gwaine and walked ahead.

Merlin's legs soon kicked into gear and he caught up taking Gwaine's other arm, "hold on, the king?" he seethed. How could someone miss out that detail? It's practically the first thing you say!

"How the hell did you 'leave that out'!" Merlin yelled, almost angry, almost.

"I'm sorry!" Lancelot smiled at Merlin's annoyance, "I thought you might scare away"

Merlin scoffed, "Scare away! Oh Merlin I'll make sure to get you in the city before I slap you in the face with sorting out royalty on a daily basis, hope you stay!"

Lancelot laughed, struggling to breath at Merlin's bumbling.

The warlock went silent after that, collecting his thoughts. Although it would put a great strain on his life, it meant that Merlin would have an excuse to be close to the King therefore making his 'destiny' a bit easier. Well as easy as it could get, it also put him directly in the firing range, one wrong move and just like that his great new life would be ruined and he'd be burned on a pire.

Finally the group came up to the castle, climbing the steps awkwardly to keep Gwaine upright.

"Are we taking Gwaine to bed first or?" Merlin was cut short by another man stepping into the foyer. He walked with a certain elegance and power, his nobility quite easy to see. And even though Merlin wouldn't necessarily admit it, he was quite handsome. The man's chiseled face and blonde hair acting as a shot to the heart for Merlin.

"Hey Lance, I was wondering if I could get your help on this speech I need to write," his eyes were directed to the Knight.

Lancelot nodded, "yeah of course, just tell me when"

Arthur thanked him before turning to Gwaine and Merlin. He turned back to Lancelot, slightly confused.

"Ah, yes! Erm sire this is the person I was telling you about not that long ago. You know how you said you needed a servant and I said I knew someone? This is him, Merlin say hello"

"Hi- Sire. I'm Merlin, well you already know that don't you" he blurted out. Merlin dropped his head, closed his eyes and very nearly slapped himself.

Gwaine slapped Merlin on the back, trying to pull him into a side hug.

"Gwaine, will you-get off-" Merlin struggled against the man, trying to rid his grasp. He slapped away the others hand and stood up straight again, clearing his throat.

"It'd be a pleasure to work for you," he managed to say, before blanking entirely.

Arthur watched him with a confused stare, debating what he were to do. Arthur took a full look at the man, he was fairly built, his upper body strength a bit more obvious. And he was cute, Arthur supposed. Sharp cheek bones, black hair, on the skinny side and the same height as himself. Reminded him of his first crush.

Merlin flushed a shade of red under the King's stare and fidgeted with his sleeves. This couldn't be good.

Arthur finally spoke up, deciding that it was worth a shot. Possibly more based on the fact he wouldn't mind waking up to that face but still.

"Erm okay then, you can start tomorrow yes? We'll see how you get on, if I don't sack you within the first week I'd call it a success," Arthur looked over to Gwaine, who waved at him in response.

"Thankyou Sire," Merlin bowed slightly, not sure on what he was to do.

"And get him to bed will you, before he falls down some stairs or worse commits arson" Arthur smiled slightly when Gwaine nearly forgot how to use his legs, "wouldn't put it past him" he chuckled before turning around and leaving.

"I second that," Lancelot said, steadying the man again.

"I'd say that was pretty successful, wouldn't you Merlin?"

"Yeah, better than I thought I guess. Where are his Chambers?"

"From Gaius' Chambers, it'll be three lefts and a right, then down a set of stairs. Directly opposite them," Lancelot reassured.

Merlin tried his best to memorise it, thanking him and passing the drunkard over, "You can manage him on your own?"

"Yep, I'll be fine. Rest up, you'll have a fair amount of work to do tomorrow," Lancelot smiled, walking off with an arm around Gwaine.

"See you tomorrow," Merlin called down the corridor before finding his way back to his room.

Maybe it wouldn't be too difficult. If he got the whole servant thing under his belt quick enough, he'd quite gladly save the king on occasion. And when he wasn't doing that, being around him wouldn't be a bad thing, as he thought before. The man had damn good looks for one, Merlin would happily wake him up every morning.

Word count: 898
Written on 23/11/21
Rewritten on 02/01/23
Feedback is appreciated <3

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