Pt12-The Truth*

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Yet to be checked for errors. Feel free to point them out to me.
I'm sorry I took so long to sort out this chapter, I'd thought that with the half term I'd have more time on my hands but evidently not. Also, I know these chapters are somewhat choppy in places, once I've finished rewriting the fic I'm going to go through it once again and fix up the parts that are weak and dodgy.
Merlin haggardly stepped down into the main Chambers. He sat down at the table and let his head drop against the wood. Gaius slid a bowl in front of the warlocks head and sat down beside him.

"You need to eat," Gaius pressed.

Merlin shook his head, "I haven't got an appetite"


The warlock scraped the bowl towards him and swirled the spoon around.

"It isn't going to go well, Gaius," He murmured, dropping the spoon.

He had informed the elder that he was telling Arthur and he had been dreading it for the last week and would have preferred to put it off for even longer.

"But it is the right thing to do, yes?"

The servant nodded, the bleak colours of the porridge sat infront of him reflecting his mood very well.

"Come on, eat. You didn't have any dinner last night and I'll be damned if you don't at least eat breakfast"

Merlin reluctantly swallowed as much porridge as he could handle and eventually pushed the bowl away. He stared at it for a few minutes, hoping that he could swap places with it.

Gaius watched him from across the room. He came back towards the man and placed his hand on the other's back.

"You'll be okay, Merlin. Everything will be fine," he pulled the warlock into a side hug.

"It will all be fine," he repeated, letting Merlin stand up.

The raven nodded again, his gaze set on his feet. The man's insides had never been more shook up, a feeling of nausea had wrapped itself around Merlin's entire body. He couldn't think straight. He couldn't stand still either, his feet tapped the floor and his fingers twitched at his side.

It was now or never.

"Good luck."

Merlin momentarily looked up, staring at his mentor, before walking around him and leaving the room. The dreaded journey towards Arthur's Chambers had never been more daunting. Every step he took down the staircase was like the next grain of sand falling through a timer. It taunting his every move, telling him that once the sand ran dry everything would be over.

He reached the bottom step and with a breath walked out into he hallway. All that stood between him and hell was a door, and an unlocked one at that. Merlin lifted his hand up and pushed the door open, sliding inside as silently as possible.

He hastily traipsed towards the curtains and rather than ripping them open pushed them apart instead. Beams of light flooded the room, laying upon the Kings bed in a heap.

Arthur lifted his hands up to cover his eyes. He squinted through his palms to see Merlin.

"Morning," he whispered, trying to msuter the energy to stand up.

"Morning," Merlin responded quietly. The servant stood still by the window for a moment, just watching Arthur sit up.

The King yawned, unaware of Merlin's gaze, and slunk out of his bed. He rubbed his eyes and stretched. Merlin suddenly lurched forward and began to make the bed. He then found Arthur some clothes and set them out infront of himself, trying to seem busy. He closed his eyes and lent against a chair, his back to Arthur.

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