Pt6-The Knights Plan*

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Yet to be checked for errors. Feel free to point them out for me.
Arthur soon blundered back through the foresty, a hefty pile of logs within his arms. He dropped them down carefully, beside Merlin and helped him build up the fire. They both reached for the last log but Arthur picked it up first, Merlin's hand landing on top of his. He pulled it away after a second, briefly smiling at Arthur who smiled back while placing the log down.

Merlin then lit the fire while Arthur sat back on a bed roll. He watched as the servant pulled a pot over to him, starting to prepare dinner.

Elyan joined his side, starting to peel a few potatoes and chopping them into quarters. He threw them in while Merlin began preparing the rabbit. After half an hour or so, the fire had picked up and the stew was on, cooking.

During the time it took for the food to cook, the knights de-dressed as you would say, removing their armour and simply carrying their swords by their side. Usually they wouldn't do so, the risk of an attack being a worry, but the patrol had just returned and there was nothing out of the ordinary so Arthur decided to take the opportunity. It would be more comfortable after all.

After another couple of hours the smell starts to reach Arthur's nose and he immediately stands up, going to stand over Merlin. He puts his hand on Merlin's shoulder as a balance and leans over him, breathing in the smell of the stew.

Merlin looked up, meeting Arthur's eyes.

"Any good?"

"I hope so, certainly smells it," Arthur for once in his life complimented the man.

Merlin hummed, smiling, "I've been trying to get better at cooking so we'll see"

Arthur left his side, sitting behind  him again. His eyes travelled up and down Merlin's back, thinking back to earlier. That image of Merlin's shirt clinging to his sides would not leave Arthur's head easily.

Gwaine and Leon who were just slightly behind Arthur moved forward, blocking him in from either side.

"Hey," they say in unison.

Arthur looks from one to the other, slightly paranoid, "hello?"

Gwaine clears his throat, leaning in as to stop anyone but the 3 present from hearing him, "what are you looking at?"

His eyes flick to Merlin, who was still busying himself with the stew, and then back to Arthur.

"What?" Arthur was trying his very best to keep his nerves under control, he knew what Gwaine was suggesting.

He lay back trying to disperse the little gathering, "I don't know what on earth you're on about Gwaine"

Gwaine looked over to Leon who smiled and dropped his head before leaning back on his hands.

Arthur watched the pair quizzically for a moment longer, choosing to save his breath and heart by not delving into it further. If he could drop the conversation then by God's he would do.

Gwaine got up shortly afterwards having grown bored and wandered over to the other side of the camp. He sat down, as discretely as possible and rolled up the bed spread behind him, knowing full well that it was Merlin's.

Gwaine also knew that Lancelot said to wait and see what happens but the knight simply couldn't help himself when he stood up, blanket behind his back. He could have stopped there, of course he could. He could even have left the blanket back in a sack so Merlin would find it. He could. But he didn't. Gwaine moved over to his own breadspread, folding Merlin's into a smaller rectangle and sliding it under his. It was a dumb thing to do, but may be just dumb enough to lead to some thing phenomenally progressive.

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