Pt7-Heading Back*

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Yet to be checked for errors. Feel free to point them out for me.
Merlin awoke to the warmth of Arthur's side against his own. And although usually he'd see that as a comfort, the servant couldn't help but feel awkward due to it. After all Merlin didn't know if he could deal with Arthur right now, and this certainly wasn't helping his cause.

He'd said last night that he wasn't going to let himself get hurt because of his love and yet here he was, burning a hole into his own chest. What was wrong with him?

He knew Arthur wanted to explain, he could hear the sincerity in the blondes voice, and by all means he wanted to hear it. He felt a need to find out where he stood in the Kings life and whether these last few months of pure turmoil were really worth it. Should he have just declined his friends offer and continued in his life beforehand? Should he have dismissed the druids first meeting and ignored any sign of his 'destiny' finally finding its moment to step in? The more Merlin thought about it the more he felt that it wasn't a destiny at all, it was leash that he couldn't break free from. It bound the warlock to his king, each metal link a different reason why he could never go back to his old life.

Sometimes he felt as if it wouldn't matter. He could drop everything whenever and wherever he was, making a break from Camelots ever constricting walls. He could go over each reason he was attached to the kingdom and know that he would still leave in a heartbeat despite the consequences it may bring.

But then other times he'd look over each reason knowing how dearly important they were for the future of the kingdom and knew he could never bring himself to abandon Camelot and its people.

There was a reason stronger than the rest that would prevent his leave, however. A reason that would keep Merlin running on the never ending wheel of his destiny. And that was his love for Arthur. No one had said before he'd left that this would happen, no one had warned him of the pain he'd have to endure for his king all because of the uncontrollable emotion called love. And although like now, the warlock didn't know how to feel about his destiny he knew nothing would push him to leave as that love was the brightest star in the sky of endless reasons.

Merlin shut his eyes again, not wanting to wake up and finally deal with the fermenting problem next to him. The next few hours than he could spend in ignorance of his problems would not go to waste. The warlock rolled over onto his side, Arthur's side to his face and let out a sigh before drifting off again.

Half an hour later he woke up again, but not to a problem of his own. The warmth of Arthur's side had since moved away, the King having rolled over in his sleep. His arm stretched out, and Merlin lifted his head in an effort to not get jabbed in the eye. Arthur's arm moved undernearth the warlocks head, the other one dropping by his waist.

Merlin mentally screamed, having thought the situation couldn't have got any worse. He lay his head back down, Arthur's forearm now a pillow, hoping to god that it didn't wake the other up. His prayers were answered and Arthur continued to sleep soundly.

The warlock shifted his eyes to the sky, watching as the stars started to disappear from view. The twilight period of the day was a soothing one for Merlin. He was often awake during this time, running around to complete chores he'd missed the night before, his feet clattering against the cold stone slabs of the castles hallways.

He wished things were that simple, usually he'd have another problem with an assassin or sorcerer plotting to destroy the kingdom on his mind at the same time. Really Merlin barely ever got a calm period in his life, his mind filled with a hundred and one things he needed to do before the sun fell beyond the battlements again.

He guessed this could be classed as a calm period however, the doziness of his friends around made him think so. And because it was a calm period, Merlin fell back asleep. He didn't do a lot of that either.

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