Pt9-The Lakeside*

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Yet to be checked for errors. Feel free to point them out to me.
Merlin set off down the corridor, Arthur in tow. They managed to leave the castle without a problem. They were even able to pass the guards without any trouble. The pair were soon stepping through the lower towns, Merlin finding it fascinating to see the stalls in the night. He compared the still atmosphere of the night to the loud and stuffy one he was introduced to on his first day in Camelot. The warlock didn't think he'd ever get bored of Camelot, every day there was something new to explore.

Not long after the pair reached the front gates, slipping through them quietly. They walked side by side through the forest across from Camelot, following the trail. The cosiness of the light breeze and clicking of grasshoppers soothed Merlin's mind. He missed nature.

As a child Merlin would often be up a tree and spent a multitude of his years exploring the forest surrounding his home village. Being back within the wilderness after a few months of urbanisation was like eating your favourite food again. He couldn't help the smile settling on his face.

Arthur watched Merlin intently, finding a love for the way his servant thrived in the outside. He found himself smiling, happy to see Merlin at peace for what seemed to be the first time in a while.

They didn't talk for a while, finding a blanket of peace in the silence. Arthur did trip at one point thought, his hand reaching out and clutching Merlin's arm as he nearly fell. The warlock started laughing, wiping at his eyes as Arthur kicked away the branch. The blonde's eyes flicked to Merlin before he started laughing too. He was supposed to be a trained hunter, how the hell did he fall over a branch?

After half an hour or so they came out into an opening, Merlin knew it well. The lake shimmered in the moonlight, looking just had it done the day Merlin sat beside it. Arthur stopped for a moment, looking out across the water. Merlin sat down against a berm*, his back lent against it.

Arthur soon joined his side, shedding his cloak and sitting down without muttering a word. He couldn't believe he'd never been here before having lived In Camelot his whole life.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Merlin whispered, just as captivated.

The ripples in the water lapped over eachother, calmly pushing up again the shore line. There were fireflies everywhere, lighting up the waters surface with sparks of gold. You could just about make out an outline of hills on the far side of the lake, sculpted out and covered in trees. There was even a tree line around a third of the lake, enclosing it slightly. There were reeds at either side, a few trees having grown within the water beside them.

Fuck sunrises at Camelot's battlements, Arthur could stay here and look at this lake forever.

"It really is," Arthur answered, his eyes still widened at the sight. He laughed slightly, "I don't want to leave"

Merlin smiled, turning to look at Arthur. He settled down further, lying down with his head propped up. Arthur did the same, shuffling closer to Merlin all the same.

"Do you come here often?"

Merlin shook his head, fishing for a pebble at his side and lifting it up to the moon's light, "I wish I did, I don't have much time now though"

Arthur nodded in response, wondering if they could take regular walks out here in the future. He'd have to voice that idea at some point, there was no way Arthur could leave here and not come back.

Merlin dropped his head on Arthur's shoulder, letting the pebble fall to the floor.

"We should do this more often," Arthur whispered, "coming here" he added on the end.

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