Pt10-Close Call*

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Yet to be checked for errors. Feel free to point them out to me.

It had been another couple of hours before Arthur made the move to return to Camelot. Despite his heart yearning to stay here longer he knew within a few more hours the castle would be in full swing and he couldn't go missing. He was still the king.

The blonde lent down, gently pushing Merlin's shoulder and whispering his name. The man in question had dozed off in Arthur's lap, after half an hour or so, with the feeling of the King's hands in his hair soothing him to slumber.

When Merlin didn't wake Arthur made the fairly easy decision to carefully pick him up, his hands hooked underneath Merlin. As a husband would do with his newly wedded wife, Arthur stepped through the archway of trees into the forest again, trying his very best to be as quiet as possible.

You wouldn't think it were possible but the blonde did manage to make it half way there with his servant sleeping soundly. However, Merlin did eventually wake. He didn't move, finding a deep comfort in the kings arms wrapped around his body.

"Morning..." he whispered, not entirely sure if they'd made it past midnight yet.

Arthur glanced down, his face softening, "morning"

Merlin closed his eyes for a moment, before shaking his head slightly and squinting, "How long have you been walking?"

Arthur shrugged, stopping to put Merlin down, "half an hour maybe, not long at all though"

Merlin, without thinking, took Arthur's hand in his own and started walking again, his mind still half asleep. Arthur smiled sickly and followed along, practically skipping ahead in happiness.

"you were asleep for an hour and a half ish before then," Arthur continued.

Merlin hummed, yawning again, "thanks for carrying me," he laughed.

"Anytime," Arthur quipped back.

It didn't take long for the pair to reach the city again, the early morning palette of colours taking over the sky above them as they disconnected their hands. They stepped away from eachother slightly to solidify the image that they hadn't been up to anything.

They passed the early morning guard patrol, who's eyes followed them as they went, and entered the citadel. Within minutes they'd nearly reached Arthur's chamber. Arthur turned the corner first, jumping back In fright when he saw the knights squished up against his door.

"What the...hell!" he seethed, aware it was still in the early hours of the day. Gwaine stuttered for a moment, having not heard Arthur coming down the corridor.

Merlin popped his head around the corner, stepping out beside Arthur. Gwaine's suprised expression soon turned smug and he leant against the wall.

"Where have you been?"

"Why are you up so early?" Merlin responded, trying to take the upper hand.

"I asked first"

"Well my question is more important. I've never seen you awake before 10 o'clock atleast"

Gwaine made a face of reason, "I wake up early if there's something important happening, like my question," the knight smirked.

Merlin sighed, rolling his eyes and turning to look at Arthur. While his back was turned to the knights he winked at the king. Arthur was confused but remained as still as possible. Gwaine could read him like a book, that would be if Gwaine could read properly.

Merlin turned back around, faking an enthusiastic smile, "I woke up early for once in my life and decided because today's a busy one that Arthur might appreciate also being woken up early. When I did he forged up the idea of taking a walk before the castle really woke up, so we did," Merlin shrugged.

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