Pt4- First day*

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Yet to be checked for errors. Feel free to point them out for me.
Merlin woke up to the shuffling of Gaius next door and the occasional clink of a glass beaker. He stretched his arms out, re-adjusting his head on the pillow and pulling his cover right up to hide away from the slight chill in the air.

He then proceeded to roll over, falling right off of the bed and hitting the floor with a thump. He'd have to get used to this bed soon otherwise there would be issues. The man slumped up onto his knees, finding his shirt and sliding it over his head. He glanced over at the window to see that the sun had already risen.


Merlin stumbled up, finding his trousers and falling into them. He hit the floor again, groaned at the pain and stood up, swaying slightly at the rush of blood to his head.

The man staggered towards his boots, pulling them on and slipping his neckerchief over his head before clearing the three steps into the main room.

"You're late," Gaius laughed at Merlin's hurry.

"I know," he responded.

"There's a sandwich on the table for you," Gaius resumed his duties.

"Thankyou! I would have struggled with this if you weren't here," Merlin smiled as he ran out of the door, sandwich in hand.

"I know," Gaius answered, more to himself.


Arthur awoke to the sound of metal clattering onto his desk and the curtains being thrust open.

"Rise and shine!" a voice called through the room, cheerfully.

Arthur shielded his eyes, pulled up the covers and groaned. After his eyes adjusted, the king took a peek at Merlin who was staring right back at him.

Merlin suddenly looked away, an inescapable blush creeping up his cheeks. Arthur watched him curiously as a warm feeling filled his chest.

Suddenly Merlin was on him like a fox, gripping the sheets and pulling them away. Arthur was now on show for the cold air to attack him from all sides. He curled his legs up in a feeble attempt to keep warm.


"What? You need to eat and get dressed," Merlin said with an agitated tone.

The servant wandered over to the Kings wardrobe, reaching in and fumbling with various shirts. In reality he was trying to find the one that would look best on Arthur, best to him of course. Every now and then he'd return his gaze to the king, glare at him for a second and then reach for another tunic.

"I'm beginning to regret hiring you," Arthur grumbled, getting up and stalking over to Merlin.

"I'm doing my job, aren't I?"

"Sadly," Arthur joked.

Merlin twirled around, a deep red tunic in hand to the surprise of Arthur stood right infront of him. His eyes widened and he cleared his throat.

Merlin lifted up the shirt, hiding his face behind it.

Holy moly

Arthur was bare chested, Merlin knew that, but in this light? Damn

"Arms," Merlin instructed.

Arthur did as told, lifted his arms in the air for Merlin to slip the shirt over. It grazed his skin and fell down over his head. Merlin re-adjusted the collar before straightening out his arms and pulling out a padded jacket.

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