Chapter 46

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Ted would have thought the excitement of meeting with Andromeda in the wee hours of the night would have worn off by now, but he was practically shaking as he made his way to her. He still couldn't believe it was real, that she had chosen him. There were times when he thought it had been a dream. She was still ignoring him in public, especially the last few days, but he knew better than to push her. He would wait, as long as she needed, until they could be together out in the open. He wasn't going to risk losing her again.

He finally reached the room she had chosen, it was a bit further away from both their common rooms then he would have thought, all the way on the 7th floor. Usually they picked something closer so they had less of a chance getting caught as they made their way there or back, but he was sure she had her reasons for choosing this spot.

He creaked open the door, but didn't see her. Trying to ignore the drop in his heart, he eased the door closed. He might have beat her here, no reason to assume she'd gotten cold feet, yet. He glanced around, and then he found her. His heart instantly soared up again.

She looked just as beautiful as always, and as always it took his breath away. He wanted to be with her forever, he realized.

He was so caught up in his fantasy, he didn't notice she wasn't alone, not until the person standing next to her stepped out of shadows.

Ted's heart froze in his chest. Standing next to her was Rabastan Lestrange. He placed a hand on Andromeda's shoulder as he glared at Ted. It might have been a protective touch, but it looked more like he was marking his territory.

Ted's heart raced again, but for an entirely different reason, while his head spun. What was Rabastan doing here? Had she told him and he'd decided to come along to give Ted a piece of his mind? Unlikely, as he doubted Andromeda would have told anyone yet. She wasn't ready for the repercussions. Perhaps Rabastan had seen her sneaking out and decided to come along, but then she wouldn't have led him to the same place she knew Ted would be. Had he found out and forced her hand? He glanced at her, trying to get any clue as to how he should react, but her face was completely impassive. Stony, even. Something was wrong.

But before he could speculate further a cool voice behind said, "Nice of you to join us, Mr. Tonks."

Forget his heart freezing, it was like every muscle in his body froze. Rodolphus Lestrange. And if he was here, that meant they knew, and they were both in big trouble.

He reached for his wand, but before he could even grasp the handle he was thrown forward.

"Now, now, is that anyway to treat your girlfriend's future family?" A female voice taunted from behind him. He didn't have to wait for her to step in front of him to know who it was. Bellatrix Black.

"That is who Rodolphus is, you know. Andromeda's future brother-in-law." She sauntered closer to him, and he had to resist the urge to cringe away. "Or did you think your little trick would change that?"

Something moved in the shadows as Rodolphus slowly waltzed into view. Ted expected him to join Bellatrix in jamming a wand in Ted's throat, but he didn't. He just stood there, a smile on his lips, like he found the scene before him amusing.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ted muttered, which was partly true. He had no idea what she meant by little trick.

But Bellatrix clearly didn't appreciate his technically. She lunged forward and pressed her wand against his throat.

"Don't play games with me, filth. We know what you did. Did you really thought one simple love potion would pull Andromeda away from her family, from her destiny?"

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