Chapter 17

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"What the—" she started, then she just groaned and put her head in her hands. First Lily, now him— this was the last thing she needed.

"Hey Andromeda." He grinned. "What's happening?"

"Shh," she said. She almost slapped her hand across his mouth, but thought better of it at the last second. Unfortunately, it meant she ended up rather close to him. "He can hear you."

"Who...?" Potter started, but then he thought about it. His lips spread up into quirky, crooked smile as he ducked past her and knelt down by the door. He opened it a crack and peered through.

Andromeda threw her arms in the air. She almost screamed, but that would be counterproductive. What was he doing? She wanted to grab his collar and pull him back, but she doubted she could do that silently. And the idea of touching James Potter was... weird, somehow. It was stupid, but she felt like she'd be magically repelled if she tried.

Instead she hovered over him, heart pounding as she ran her hand nervously through her hair and shuffled her feet. Potter glanced over at her and snorted. She could have slapped him.

"Shut the door," she shout-whispered. "Shut it!"

"It's all right." He was still chortling as he stood. "He's gone."

Andromeda exhaled, one hand on her forehead and the other over her stomach. She hated losing control in front of anyone, but in front of Potter it was a nightmare. Surprisingly though, she didn't feel embarrassed, especially considering the Bat-Bogey hex rising under her wand tip, ready to be unleashed on the other person in the room.

"So, trouble in paradise?"

She shot him a glance. "That," —imagining bat wings grow out his face was immensely satisfying— "is none of your concern."

He did that thing where he held his hands up and took a step back, but this time he was smirking, and he winked at her. Clearly, he, at least, was having the time of his life.

"So, things between the two of you are hunky-dory, eh?"

Andromeda closed her eyes, slowly, wishing he'd be gone when she opened them. He wasn't. She sighed as she headed toward the door, but he blocked her way. He folded his arms across his chest, waiting for an answer.

"They're fine." She clasped his shoulder and pushed her way roughly past him, her hand grasping the door handle.

"And how will Ted feel if he knows things between you and your fiancé are fine?"

Andromeda stopped, feeling like she'd just been hit with the Whomping Willow tree.

She turned, so slowly she probably looked like she was moving in slow motion. Her heart hammered as she saw his smug, satisfied look.

"How did you..." Then it hit her. "Remus," she whispered, then she slammed her hands on the door.

"Woah," Potter said, his look fading. "Calm down, would you?"

"He wasn't supposed to tell anyone!"

"We don't count as anyone!" Potter's voice raised as well. He swallowed, taking his own advice and calming down. "We tell each other everything, and I mean, everything." She still didn't look convinced so he added, "Come on, it's me. I'm all for this stuff. Do you really think...?" He took another steadying breath. "Do you really thinking I'd do anything to jeopardize either of you?"

He had a point, much as she didn't want to admit it. She pressed her hands to her face, mumbling curses. She couldn't bear to look at him, so she just gave a sort of muted nod before reaching for the door again. But just as she opened it, Potter's hand slammed it shut.

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