part 9 - No goodbye

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Simons pov 

I heard screaming and crying, and I knew right away that it was Rose. I ran right to her room not caring if I were to wake anyone up. I brought her back to my room and she held me so tight it was as if she was gonna lose me. I wondered if that was the reason that she didn't want to sleep in my bed, is it because she was getting nightmares? I didn't know, I was gonna ask her tomorrow because right now she would be too tired and shocked to answer. 

Everyone got up and went down for breakfast, I looked at Rose and saw she was smiling, even after she had cried herself to sleep. "Everyone I want you to act your best today, your Great Aunt Adelaide Stitch is coming today." My siblings and I started complaining "Hey no complaining she is the one that keeps this roof over your head. Plus Nanny McPhee is going to be there to make sure that you behave." "I'm sorry Mr.Brown but today is a Sunday and I have the day off but Rose will be there to make sure they stay on their best behaviour" Rose nodded her head signalling that she would, I was glad that she was gonna be there with us today. "Wait but I - The kids need you today. How is Rose going to take that responsibility?!" "I'll have you know Mr.Brown I have been working with kids ever since I was a little girl, I know how to handle them. I have since day one, haven't I? What trouble have they caused?"

Dad looked at Rose then back at Nanny McPhee, "Alright I suppose, I hope you all don't make a fool out of me." and with that father left. I looked at Rose and said, "So are you going to let us prank her or?" "Simon, look at me, WHY ON GODS GREEN EARTH WOULD I LET YOU DO THAT?!" when she said that I flinched back and looked at her shocked I never heard her yell at anyone before. But it wasn't only me who had looked at her, everyone was shocked. Aggie started crying and that was when Rose realized what she had done. "Oh no, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell.", she went to Aggie and picked her up, Rose looked like she was about to cry. I ran up to her while Tora took Aggie out of her hands, "It's alright Rose why are you crying?" "Because I yelled at you, and yes I've yelled at many kids but I don't like to yell at you guys." I just held her tight until Nanny McPhee came down and took Rose from my hands and held on to her. "Hey Rose why are you crying?" "Because I yelled at Simon and everyone," she said in between sobs.

"Simon can you take her to your room and stay with her, I can't stay please take good care of her, when I get back I will make sure she is okay." Nanny McPhee said. I looked up at her and nodded my head. Rose ran into my arms and I took her upstairs. I sat on my bed placing her on my lap, I didn't want to let go because I knew she needed me. "I'm sorry S-Simon I didn't mean to yell." "Shhh it's not your fault, you just want to make a good impression. You don't have to worry, I will never be mad at you, just like you tell me you can never be mad at me because you like me. The same goes for me I could never be mad at you because I like you, but we already discussed this so I don't think we will need to again." she giggled a little after I said that and it put a smile on my face that she wasn't crying anymore. 

"Thank you, Simon" "For what? I haven't done anything?" "For everything, you have helped me through a lot, before I came here I was in a dark place because I thought nobody wanted me, of course, my mother wanted me but it was only ever her and me. I know it sounds odd but it's true." I put my hands under her chin and made her look at me, there were still tears going down her cheeks so I wiped them off. "I don't think it's odd, I mean if it's your story why would I?" She hugged me even tighter and so I decided to lay down because Great Aunt Adelaide Stitch wouldn't be coming until the afternoon. "Go to bed Rose when we wake up I have to ask you something." "Okay"


2 hours later

I saw Rose starting to shake in her sleep and saying things like please don't hurt me, I was so confused but I knew I had to wake her up. "Rose wake up it's just a nightmare. ROSE wake up!!" She shot and was screaming, "Hey Rose it's just a nightmare it's okay" she started crying again. I held her and didn't let go. My sibling came running in, I told them to get ready for Great Aunt Adelaide Stitch would be coming soon and I would be taking care of Rose. 


Couple minutes later

Rose calmed down and now we were all downstairs while father was talking to Great Aunt Adelaide Stitch, I decided to ask her about the nightmares later. "Kids, why don't you go outside while your aunt and I talk?" we all nodded and went outside. Crissy went inside to tell father something while we all sat in a treehouse talking. Crissy came back crying saying that Great Aunt Adelaide Stitch wanted to take Crissy as her new adopted daughter. Nobody wanted to let Crissy go but while everyone was fighting I noticed that Rose was gone. "Guys where is Rose?" everyone looked at me scared, nobody wanted Rose gone. "Well, what are we standing here for?! Let's go look for her!!" Tora yelled.

We ran into the house and Great Aunt Adelaide Stitch was gone, we ran into our room to find nobody there but a letter sitting on my bed. 

Dear, Browns Family 

I'm sorry I'm leaving without a goodbye, I understand some of you might think that it was a wrong choice to leave but Evangeline has come with me so it won't be lonely. My mother said that if I came here I had to make my own choices and because I don't want any of you to leave each other I have decided to leave instead. 

Hi mother, I know you will miss me dearly but I will be back in a couple of months so don't worry about me. I will miss you a lot but I can't do anything to change the fact that I have already left with Evangeline so you can't stop me. I love you mum.

Hey Tora, you were like the sister I never had and I will never forget you while I'm gone, how could I? I have too many memories with you to forget that easily, I hate saying goodbye but I don't have a choice right now. Goodbye.

Eric, Lily, Sebastian, Chrissie You all may think that I don't like you all because I'm not writing a separate paragraph to you but that doesn't mean that I won't miss you. I have had a really fun time taking care of you guys, if I could do it again I would trust me. I just want you all to know that I hate not being there for you. 

Hello Mr.Brown, I know you didn't have faith in me when I told you I would take care of the kids today, but I just wanted to let you know that I will never want to make a fool out of you. All I want to do is help you because you are always stressed out. I know Evangeline used to be there for you but unfortunately, she has come with me. And between you and I, I always thought that you and Evangeline would get together, but that has not happened, I know you love her and she loves you, she has never told you that of course because she thought that you didn't like her. After all, she was a maid but I know you love her.

And lastly, Simon. Hey, you might hate me when I get back to visit but I want you to know that I love you, and I know that I'm probably too young to love but I do. I put my favourite necklace in an envelope under my pillow. I hope that when I get back that you are wearing it. I love you Simon and I will never stop.

Goodbye Brown family and mother.


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