Part 13 - Loving

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Simons pov

I was glad Rose was with us now, we got home late so we got ready for bed and went to sleep. Rose slept in my bed and we cuddled all night long, I didn't want to let her go. "Simon, are you awake?" "Yes I am, why are you awake you have to be sleeping? The doctor told you to rest" "I have to ask you a question" "Okay, what is it?" "When we were still at the hospital, the first day the doctor asked you if you were family." "Yes, what about that?" I remembered what I had told the doctor that day and felt embarrassed. "You called me your girlfriend. Is that what we are because I'd like that. If you don't want that to happen then it won't." I made her look up at me by putting my fingers under her chin while I looked down at her, "I'd like that a lot Rose so. Rose McPhee, will you do the honours of being my girlfriend?" Her eyes went wide "I didn't think you were going to ask me now?!" my face turned red, and she had the biggest smile ever, "Yes of course I would!!" She whisper yelled. I kissed her and she kissed back, I was so happy that she said yes. After, she laid her head down on my chest and said goodnight, "Goodnight my love," I told her. I went to sleep with a smile on my face.


1 month later

"Alright kids it's time to get ready, you have to get ready for the wedding," Nanny McPhee said. Rose was the first to get up, as she tried to move to get off the bed I pulled her back and held her. "Don't go I want to cuddle" "Simon it's the afternoon, we've been cuddling almost the entire day" I looked at her and pouted. "But I don't want to get ready then father will be married to a woman who hates us and wants nothing to do with us. Please don't make me leave," She looked at me and smiled, "Simon, I know that you don't want your father to get married but it was supposed to happen. And I can't change that." "Fine, I'll get out of bed. How do you always win these things?" "I don't know Simon, maybe because I'm just good, try getting on my level, " she smirked and I laughed. 

We got in our clothes and saw that everyone else was ready as well, Nanny McPhee came up to Rose and questioned what she was wearing. "Rose, Honey, what are you wearing?" "Mother trust me I didn't pick it," she said while pointing to everyone else. "I don't know why anyone would pick this mum. I have green and pink on me, I understand green and purple but don't add pink into the mix," just then Mrs. Quickly came into the house, Nanny McPhee sighed. "Alright, kids stand in a line. NOW!!" everyone but Rose flinched and stood in a line. "I want you all on your best behaviour, I will marry your father and get rid of you all including you, you little brat!!" she said to Rose's face, Rose didn't move one bit, she wasn't even scared, " Unfortunately, you can't get rid on me, I'm not apart of the brown family. I'm Nannay McPhee's daughter," she said with no hint of emotions. Mrs. Quickly went to go slap Rose when there was a knock on the door, Mrs. Quickly got excited because Great Aunt Adelaide Stitch came. Mrs. Quickly answered the door and bowed, "I'd like you all to meet my new adopted daughter," Great Aunt Adelaide Stitch said. Then she saw Rose and walked up to her to give her a big hug, Mrs. Quickly stopped her and said "What are you doing? You don't want to hug that filthy girl?!" everyone looked at her Aunt Adelaide looked at her with such discussed on her face and said, "She is not a filthy girl. She was raised by Nanny McPhee who is amazing with children, and I also almost adopted her until another family wanted her. And for your information, I'm glad to see her because she got in an accident and was in a coma, so I'm happy to see her recovered." she sounded so mad at this point. Mrs. Quickly looked shocked at she just got yelled at, "Well I'm sorry, I didn't know that," Mrs. Quickly said. "Well, then Evangeline you can come," when Rose heard that she ran up to Evangeline and hugged her, Evangeline looked so happy when Rose hugged her and hugged her back. "Well let's let the wedding begin," father said when he noticed the tension between everyone. 

The guests came and the wedding began, Rose sat beside me and the wedding started. Goats started to walk which made both me and Rose cringe, "Do as you're told," Nanny McPhee said, just then  Mrs. Quickly said "Behave" as she was walking down the aisle. "Do as you're told," Nanny McPhee said once more, Aggie started to say "Beehive, beehive" "Aggie there aren't any beehives here" I told her. However Rose started to catch on to what was happening, she whispered something to Tora and Tora brought it down, then Rose told me and we started to swing our arms and make bee noises. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"  Mrs. Quickly said "There are bees Mr.Brown," Rose said. everyone started panicking. "Oh come on I don't see any bees, Cedric do you?!" "Yes I do right here he hit  Mrs. Quickly dress and she fell on the floor,  Mrs. Quickly got up grabbed a piece of cake and then went to throw it at Cedric but he ducked and it hit Aunt Adelaide. She whipped the cake off her face and saw that everyone else was throwing cake including Evangeline, "That's it!! Cedric, you can keep the money, I don't care how much the old hag is giving!"  Aunt Adelaide looked at her as she ran back to her house.

"Well Cedric, you sure know how to pick them" Aunt Adelaide and Evangeline were about to leave but I remembered a conversation that Rose and Evangeline had when she was mad at me. "Wait father will marry today!" "Oh yeah? To who?" Aunt Adelaide questioned, "He can marry Evangeline," Rose said. "They are family they can't get married" "No, I'm just a maid" Rose looked sad when she said that but then after she heard father and Evangeline say that they love each other she became happy, but I still saw some sadness in her eyes. "Alright, they can get married,"  Aunt Adelaide said. Nanny McPhee hit her stick on the ground and then everyone was in a nice white outfit and snow started to fall from the sky. When I looked over at Rose I stared at her and admired how beautiful she looked.

 When I looked over at Rose I stared at her and admired how beautiful she looked

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She looked over at me and smiled, I smiled back. I walked over to her and kissed her, she was shocked at first but then kissed back. We both pulled apart and smiled at each other, we sat down and father smiled at me. I held her hand and locked our fingers together, Rose looked down at our hands then put her head on my shoulder, I could tell she was smiling. Father and Evangeline got married and they lived happily ever after.


1266 words 

This is not the end, and sorry for the big time skip there is going to be another one

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