Part 14 - Nice Night

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Simons pov


9 years later

Evangeline and Father have been married for 9 years now, and I have been with Rose for longer, she stopped having nightmares and Nanny McPhee had to go but she still stayed in touch with Rose from time to time. I have fallen completely in love with Rose and I just keep falling every time I'm with her, "Simon, darling, We're going to meet your father," Rose said. Did I forget to mention we moved out, well we did. "Alright I will be right there, I just have to pick the right tie," "I heard her laugh and then I heard footsteps going upstairs, "Simon, you have nothing to apologize for. Here wear this one, it works with your outfit," she said. I looked at the tie that I didn't even think of putting on and saw it worked well. She came up to me and put on the tie, she was focused on putting the tie on me, while I was looking at her beautiful eyes. When she finished she looked up at me and kissed me, "Come on or we're going to be late," she took my hand and we walked downstairs. 

Today was the day we meet and father knew that I have fallen in love with her so he told me to propose but I didn't know when so, I choose to do it today, I asked father and mother (Evangeline) and they were so excited. 


Roses pov

I have fallen in love with Simon Brown, the trouble maker of a man. But, he has changed from being a trouble maker, to somewhat of a gentleman. I was happy to go see the rest of the brown family because I knew I would see Tora and Evangeline. We got to the house and saw everyone else was there, we knocked on the door and Evangeline got it. "Oh my, you guys are here, yes I've missed you guys so much!!" Evangeline said as she was hugging us. "We've missed you too," Simon said, "Well come on in, everyone else is in the backyard." we came in and saw everyone outside, Tora ran up to me and hugged me, I hugged her back until it got cut off by Simon fake coughing, "I'm Sorry was I ruining the moment? I was ready for a hug to Tora," to Tora. We laughed and she hugged Simon. 

We sat down and started to eat dinner. When everyone finished eating we cleaned our plates and sat in the living room and talked. "So, how has living in a new house been so far," Evangeline asked. "Well living in a house has been fun but there is a lot of cleaning to do but it's amazing," I told them, "Well that wonderful sweetheart," Cedric said "Thank you, Mr. Brown," "Still, after all these years you still call me, Mr. Brown," "I'm sorry, what do you want me to call you?" I felt stupid because I have called him Mr.Brown the entire time, "Call me Cedric, I'm okay with it. You're an adult you should," it felt weird to call him Cedric because I never did it but, it was nice because that ment he saw me as a grown up. "Well, Simon, I and the boys need to go outside, you girls stay and talk," Cedric said. I wonderdred why they needed to go outside but Simon gave me a kiss and went outside with everyone else. Next thing I knew it was almost time for us to leave but I didn't mention it because I wanted to stay, it felt nice. "Girls you can come outside now," Cedric said. I looked at all the girls and we got up and walked out.


Simons pov

I was nervous because I was about to propose to the love of my life, father said that all the boys had to go outside so we could get everything that was needed for the proposel ready, before I left I kissed Rose, and she gave me the "You're telling me later look". He called them outside and as they walked out I took Roses hand and gave it a kiss, she gave me a confused looked but then everyone made a circle around us and, I did it. I bent down on one knee and said, "Rose McPhee, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" her eyes went wide, the same way they did when I asked her to be my girlfriend. "YES,yes of course I will!!" she started to cry and so was I. I got up and hugged her, she wrapped her arms around my neck, I took her hand and put the ring on. She reached up to my face and wiped the tears off my face, I moved my face more into her hand loving her touch. 


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