Part 12 - Hospital

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Simon pov 

We got to the hospital and went to the front desk, "Hello, may we know which room is Rose in?" "I'm sorry sir but there are 3 people here with the name of Rose do you have a last name for the girl?" Aunt Adelaide went to the front, "Rose Harper, that's her name," "Alright ma'am thank you, she is in room 104 on the second floor, but before you all go I can't let you in unless you are family, are all?" "Yes we are" father said, she handed us all a visitors pass and we went to her room. Father was the first to enter, "Hey Rose, how are you feeling?" father asked. But she didn't answer, we saw the machine, and it said she was still alive, so we just thought that she was sleeping. Just then a doctor came in, "Oh hello, I just came to give Rose her food, are you all her family?" "Yes, we are, you can put the food on the side and when she wakes up we will let her know," The doctor looked at us confused what do you mean wake up? She is in a coma, if I don't help her eat then she could die from starvation." We all looked confused I ran up to Rose and hugged her. 

I couldn't stop myself from crying. "Hey it's alright, is she your sister?" the doctor asked, "No she's my girlfriend," the doctor looked at me with a sad expression. "Well I think we can all let you have your time with her, you can feed her if you'd like. We will just leave the room" he gave me the bowl and everyone left. Tora came back in the room and kissed Rose on the head, "Get better, please I need you in my life," and with that, she left the room closing the door behind her.

"Hey Rose, I don't know if you can hear me or not but I wanted to say thank you for everything, I hope you wake up soon because I'm not leaving the hospital until you wake up. So I hope you wake up soon."


Roses pov

I heard a door open and then I heard Mr.Brown, did they think that I was sleeping? After that the doctor came in to give me my food, and I heard him say I was in a coma, I didn't want to be reminded of that. A couple minutes after that I heard the door open and close again, I was wondering how many people were coming in the room. I felt a kiss on the head and heard Tora speak, "Get better please, I need you in my life" Then I heard the door close. I felt someone holding my hand, I knew it was Simon. "Hey Rose, I don't know if you can hear me or not but I wanted to say thank you for everything, I hope you wake up soon because I'm not leaving the hospital until you wake up. So I hope you wake up soon." I felt sad that I couldn't wake up.


1 month Later

I heard the door open, I just thought it was the doctor coming to give me food. But then I felt someone hold my hand and putting a head beside my waist, then a voice I knew it as Simon. "Hey Rose, can you please wake up? They don't know if you will make it and they want to take you off of life support. I don't want you to die so please for me wake up, you have a week because then you will die and then father will get married a month after that, his fiance doesn't care if someone dies she just wants to get money. I want you alive, I want to hug you and kiss you, and give you all the love in the world till the day I die," when I heard that I tried so hard to wake up. I pushed through and I held his hand, I then opened my eyes and saw simon on my right. He looked up and saw me awake, he gave me the biggest hu in the world. "Simon you said you wanted me alive, don't sufacate me?!" "Oh right sorry, I will go get the doctor and everyone else." 


A couple minutes later

Everyon came in and Tora was the first was to run up to me and give me a big hug, when she let go everyone else came and hugged me. I saw my mother there aswell and I didn't let go of her, I just stayed and there loving the comfort of her. She let go and Simon imediently came up to me. "Well I did some tests and it looks like you're good to go, just make sure you get a lot of rest." I nodded, I got changed and then left with the Brown family. The family that was going to take me didn't want to anymore because they had found someone new. So I went to the place I was from the start, the Browns house.


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