Great Timing Leo

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Annabeth reached into the tube and pulled out the plug. She shivered as she watched the water drain away making me regret pulling her in the tub in the first place.

"I wish there was a quick way to dry off" I said and I suddenly felt warmer.

"Are you starting to realize how cold wet clothes are" she asked looking up at me then her expression turned to confusion

"How are you dry?" She asked

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at myself to realize she was right, I didn't have a drop of water on me.

"I don't know, I remember feeling warmer after wishing I could dry off faster" I said

"Try it again" Annabeth said

"I'm no longer wet, how will it work?" I asked

"Not on yourself Seaweed Brain, on something that's already wet" she said rolling her eyes with a smile

"Oh, right" I said before grabbing her hand. I thought about the water disappearing and suddenly she was completely dry

"You said your father made you human, right" Annabeth asked

"Yeah" I said

"He must have given you some gifts aswell. Try something else" Annabeth said excitedly.

I looked over at Cecil who was mopping up the water all over the floor. I focused on the water and raised my hands and the water lifted up. I moved the water until it was over the tub then let it fall.

"I think I like being turn human by my dad more then Nyx" I said then I looked over at a stunned Cecil and smiled

"Sorry about the mess man" I said then turned back to Annabeth

"I'm hungry, is lunch ready?" I asked
And she laughed

"It should be, come on" she said.

We walked to the dining hall and were greeted by Chiron.

"Ah, I was being to worry you weren't coming." He said. And I replied with probably the stupidest thing.

"You were part land horse" I said bluntly while pointing at him 

"We're actually call Centaurs" he said with a small laugh

"And it's just a horse you don't need to add land to it" he added

"But in the sea we have SEAhorses, so why are they not called land horse on the land?" I asked

"I see your point" he said.

"How are you in that chair?" I asked

"I'm sure you have many questions, as do I, but how about we eat first?" Chiron said.

"I can't say no to that" I said. Annabeth and I walked over to our usual seats and sat down.

"We're not eating crab again are we?" I asked

"No, no fish today" Chiron said and I took a sigh of relief.

"Were are Will and Nico?" He asked

"Will took Nico to his old room so that he could change into a dry shirt and get pants" Annabeth said

"I suppose we'll have to wait for them to come down then" Chiron said and I sent a silent curse to Nico and Will. They have better hurry I thought to myself. Unfortunately they did not hurry. We ended up waiting for an hour before both boys walked in holding hands with messy hair and wrinkled clothes.

"Do I need to change the house rules to include boys in the same room?" Chiron asked and Will turned bright red while Nico gave a confused look.

"Nothing happened!" Will quickly blurted out

"We just fell asleep" he added cleaning his throat.

Chiron sat forward and raised an eyebrow and stared at Will like he was trying to figure if he was telling the truth. After a moment he sat back.

"Very well then. Let's eat, Lu Ellen" he said. And she Nodded and walked away.

After about 20 more minutes she came back with a tray of hot food smiling. She was probably happy that Nico and Will were late because Annabeth had told her that she and the other servants could eat the food before it got cold and then just make more when Nico and Will got here.

As we ate Will and Nico talked about everything that had happened to each other while they were separated. I was glad to see Nico so happy. As I looked over at Will I remembered something Nico had told me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said looking at Annabeth

"Ofcourse, what do you want to know?" She said smiling at me. Gods she had the most beautiful smile.

"I think it was our second night here. I was laying on my old bed trying to sleep when I realized that Nico was just staring at his bed and he looked scared. I tried to ask what was wrong but Ofcourse I couldn't, but that's when Jason appeared and told me about Nico's bad dream and how he had to wake up Will to help. My question is how dose Will know Jason?" I asked after explaining the story.

"How about you tell me how you two know him, and I'll tell you how we know him" Annabeth said no longer smiling.

"Nico's father is in charge off the dead so he met him shortly after he died and I met him not long after" I said

"We had been friends with Jason for a few years before he died" she said. She then took a shakey breath and I grabbed her hand to comfort her. She gave me a halfhearted smile then continued to speak

"It's been almost two years since he died now" she said

"What?-" I started to say but then stopped not sure if asking what happened would be okay.

"It's okay" she said squeezing my hand.

"There was a war that broke out against  Mine and Will's kingdoms, many fell Jason being one of them....the after match was hard for all of us but it seemed to hit Will harder then most." She said looking over at him.

"Will use to have two older brothers Mich-" she said to say but I missed part of it when my butter knife fell off the table I quickly picked it up and looked back at her but she didn't seem to notice to much looking like she was stuck in the memory she was telling.

"And Lee, they both died. A day after the war Will almost joined them but I was lucky enough to find him before it was to late. After that I asked him to stay here until he felt better, For days he walked around like a ghost and he stopped smiling then the nightmare came.....he told me that he would dream about the war and how his brother's would tell him it was all his fault and no matter what I said he didn't believe me. But one night I walked past his room and heard him softly crying so I slowly opened the door and walked in to find him sleeping. I remember praying to the Gods to help him and that's when I saw Lee standing next to his bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and softly shook him awake. When Will tried to apologize Lee told him it wasn't his fault and to not listen to the nightmare. He would have his brother's vist him often at night after that. He told me that they wanted him to be happy and to smile again so he started to try and smiled again and while everyone else thought it was all okay Again I was one of the only one who could tell his smiles were fake that he was just smiling to make everyone else happy, it wasn't always wasn't until the day we met you two that I actually saw him genuinely smiling again." She said

I watched Will as he smiled at Nico and couldn't believe that someone as happy and cheerful as him had ever not smiled. Then I looked at Annabeth.

"You did them same thing didn't you?" I asked

"What do you mean?" She asked

"When you told that story I could tell by the look in your eyes that you struggled to. You probably only smiled and stayed strong to help him" I said before taking both of her hand in mine and giving them a small squeeze.

"It's okay to be sad. And if you ever need to brake down, to let everything you've held in pour out I'll be right there to hold you and catch your tears" I said. A tear slide down her cheek and then the door to the dining hall swung open and a boy cover in some kind of black spots walked in

"Mr. Hot stuff is back!" Came the voice of Leo

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