Chapter 5: Impatient (+18)

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     The next morning you are woke up the same way you always are, with Catra yelling into the cadet bunkroom that breakfast rations will be going out in five minutes. You run to your locker and grab your armor and underclothes. Nothing new here. You grab your breakfast rations, and sit down at a table alone.

     Today the rations are brown. You look up from your tray to see Catra staring at you from across the cafeteria, with the only look she ever gave outside of her room. You lock eyes as you remember last night. It makes you blush and hot as you remember how her eyes had burned through you the night before, her naked body giving off heat as she had touched you and controlled you like a puppet.

     The sexual tension was all too much already as you knew you would return later tonight at the same time. You wondered what she would try tonight...She kept staring at you and she briskly made her way across the room to grab you by your hair. "It's rude to stare at your commander, so what do you think you're doing?!" She asks, still holding you by your hair. "I-I'm sorry Commander Catra, I noticed your hair and it looks very nice!"

     You quickly come up with a reason. You remembered from last time that you should always have a reason for such things, but truth be told you couldn't say the real reason out loud. Catra squints her eyes at you and lets your hair go. "Sit down and keep your eyes on your food or your food might get taken from you." She retorts and walks away before you can say anything to her.

     You eat quickly and go to train. Training is never fun for you, but you do your best to impress Catra. Today your speed improves by 5 seconds. Catra had paid no attention to this, but she passes you as you're on the way back to your bunk and lets her tail rub against your pussy. It's like turning on a switch and you accidentally moan. Catra growls and pins you against the wall. "What are you doing?! Shut up!" She growls into your ear quietly.

     You look around hoping no one was nearby or Catra would destroy you right there. Luckily no one is, but she grabs you by your jaw and faces you toward her. She takes her free hand and places it onto your shoulder pad, digging her claws in and leaving marks on your armor. You can't think properly to answer and she's making your pussy pulse as she brings her knee up against it.

     You're already horny, and the knee pushes you over your edge. You didn't care if you were going to be punished, you grab her tail tightly by the base and give it a small pull. Catra moans and breathes hard for a second. "My room, NOW!" She growls and pulls you off the wall toward the direction of her room. "Yes, Commander Catra!" You say, running to her room and waiting for her to open the door. She opens it, and pushes you on, shutting the door and locking it, and taking her clothes off. "Get your fucking armor off!" She demands.

     You take your armor off and you take your underclothes off, now completely naked. Before you can face her properly she picks you up and slams you onto the bed, bouncing up and back down with the force of it, the bed squeaking some in the process. She gets on top of you, wasting no time in putting her hands all over you.

     "You're a bad bitch for doing that in the open, cadet!" She scolds you, furiously. She places her knee against your pussy again, pushing on it as her knee becomes wet now. You moan, feeling yourself need her more. "Commander C-Catra~"

     "I don't want an apology, so shut your mouth. You want pleasure? You're gonna work for it like the horny bitch you are!" She says with a smirk, laying on her back and spreading her legs. You stare again, just wanting to admire her sexy body.

     Her toned stomach and muscular thighs and sparkling eyes. Her eyes are full of desire and need, and you can tell her pussy is wet and she twitches, her tail swaying impatiently. "You're going to make me cum first. Use your mouth only. So come on already you slow fuck! I didn't drag you in here early for you to stare like a deer in headlights!"

Catra x Female Reader (+18)Where stories live. Discover now