Chapter 10: Wonder (+18)

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     You are in the bathroom, as Catra had told you to. You clean yourself up and go. You're fortunate to have had her tell you, you had no idea what disaster would've happened later if you didn't. Perhaps she had experience? You weren't going to ask, at least not yet. Your mind is all cloudy and you can't remember much other than oversleeping and the experience you just had.

     There is a lot you didn't know of Catra just yet, but you come out of the bathroom to see that Catra has her clothes on again, and is just now grabbing a broom and holder, but she's just standing there. She sees you looking at her, just standing there too. "Oh good, your done. Clean up this glass." She demands. "Yes Commander Catra!" You salute and watch her leave the room, leaving the broom to fall to the ground, making a smacking sound as it does.

     You pick it up, wondering where she's going. You watch her leave through the door before shutting it, getting dressed, and cleaning the glass up and throwing it away. You felt weird. You know that you aren't the only one after Catra.

     After all, Catra is sexy. Her beautiful tan skin and stripes, wonderfully wild hair, smooth to the touch but still coarse in some spots. She had those sparkling bright heterochromatic eyes that would burn into you like they always would. Her hypnotizing tail swaying side to side when she was frustrated, and her soft looking ears. Her muscles toning all of her body and the way she looking in the lights. Her sharp pointy teeth and claws that made you want to run, but felt so damn good as she bites into you or holds you using her claws.

     There of course, were things that you hoped only you had seen. Her exposed breasts, the perfect size for holding onto and her nipples and how they changed when they grew hard with arousal, and her pussy. It's so soft, and exactly to your liking too. The way you could see and feel her clit swell in arousal and the sheer feeling of her, regardless of how you were touching, and the way her muscles tensed up and twitched. Hell, even her voice can send a shiver down your spine.

     Catra comes back later toward night time, opening the door only to see you still in her room. "What are you still doing here?! Did you do anything you're supposed to do?! How about my files, do you have any more of them?!" She says irritably, stepping toward you.

     You back up and salute her. "I was never commanded to do so..." She growls and grabs you by your clothing, your armor still laid on the floor however. She gets close to your face. "Don't blame me, a "no Commander Catra" would've been your best answer, cadet. Don't think you're so fucking special that you don't still got to do your own things." She growls, her eyes piercing into you. "I'm sorry Commander Catra, I thought since I was exempt from training tha-" She cuts you off by using your shirt to pull you forward and then shove you into the wall, knocking your breathe out for some seconds.

     "You're getting too comfortable with this intimacy. Drop it! I meant just training and jobs for today, and you were supposed to keep doing the rest of your jobs, like gathering intel, grabbing files, you know!! I never said anything about dropping ALL your duties!"  You stood against the wall dumbfounded. She was right, yesterday she had said to not worry about training today, but never mentioned dropping the other stuff.

     She stares at you as you think to yourself, then scowls, letting you go and backing up, raising one hand to her forehead as if she is getting a migraine. "It's just," she sighs, "I am intentional with my orders. Pay attention next time!" She shakes her head, and you could see that she didn't even feel like bothering to punish you right now with how upset she is. She just walked off briskly, her tail swaying, ears flattened, teeth together, and brows lowered. You weren't sure how to feel about it, so you just let her walk off and you stand there, confused what to do next.

     She comes back a couple minutes later, with a bit of blood dripping off of her claws. "Get ready to sleep already!!" She yells, going and cleaning herself up. You scramble to get ready for bed, almost going back to your bed, but remembering she never said your bed, you lay down in hers, hoping she would consider this good. She comes back and smiles faintly. "Good job, cadet. You actually listened that time." She lays down, but turns her back to you, likely because last time you startled her by staring at her.

     As she fell asleep, you still laid there awake. You heard her mumbling in her dream. You eventually fall asleep. You begin to have a really weird dream. You're Catra, and you're dreaming about a girl you used to go out with. You fade into it now...


Catra x Female Reader (+18)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz