Chapter 11: Your Love Is My Drug (+18) *Special Feature*

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     You wake up with a gasp. You look beside you, but Catra is gone. You feel a headache and so you look in Catra's drawer and find pills in a bottle. It had a taped on label that read "Relief". You smile and down one. Yuck. It didn't help that you swallowed it dry. You sit there waiting for it to kick in but unfortunately it seems to take a while. Thirty minutes pass and you feel weird. Your headache is going away, but you're feeling sensitive.

     You can feel yourself getting sensitive and pulsing. You aren't sure why, but you can't just ignore it. It builds slowly until it hits like a tank. Your pussy is pulsing, your clit is aching for touch and you're needier than you knew you could be. You immediately go looking for Catra. Why do it yourself when someone fucks you all the time?

     You look in the cafeteria, breakfast is already over. You slept through it. It weirds you out she didn't wake you up. Where is she? You eventually find her in  a room designated solely for Force Captains. The door is cracked, and you can hear her voice alongside other Force Captains talking about the most recent ambush in the Whispering Woods. You didn't give a damn about it right now as you enter the room much more bold than you should be.

     Everyone stops talking and stares at you, especially Catra, who looks absolutely pissed. "What the fuck are you doing, cadet?! Your entrance is prohibited and subject to penalty later! Get out!!" Catra never was the same with you when others were around, or at least, she shows no sign of caring or attention. You get ready to back out but another Force Captain, Scorpia, interjects. "No, let's hear an explanation. What is the meaning of this?!" The other Force Captain asks sternly. You are staring at Catra and her sexy ass outfit. Damn, the way it lines her curves and muscles. The cleavage visible through the hole in the upper part of her outfit and how her gaze falls on you. It only makes you need her more. You're willing to hold out on masterbating just because she can do so much more than you can on your own. You want her, no, you need her. You need her now.

     The Force Captains are angry that you are appearing to ignore the question. Catra walks up to you and grabs you by your uniform and growls in your face. "Why are you here?" You snap out of your daze and breathe shakily. Every heavy breath and growl she makes is sending shivers through you. "I have an important matter that needs attended to immediately, Force Captain." You say. She frowns, clearly angry that you have interrupted and now embarrassed her in front of the others as she goes outside of the room and shuts the door. "Well, what is it that just couldn't wait?" She crosses her arms, her ears flatten in annoyance.

     You quickly make the bold move of grabbing her ass and whimpering how badly you need her, but you are interrupted as she gasps and she shoves you as hard as she can, knocking you onto your back on the floor. She picks you up as you regain your breath and pins you against the wall. "Do not ever, and I mean ever... interrupt me with your incessant needs. I will come to you when I am ready. I will fucking throw you like a rock in a pond. Do you understand?" She growls lowly in a quiet but raspy voice. You nod. "Yes Force Captain." She drops you and goes back inside, shutting and locking the door behind her.

     You whimper, unsatisfied and unfulfilled. You can't help it, something is making you more desperate than you knew you could ever be. She seems cruel as usual, and it hurts. The masochist inside of you is eating it up with fervor, amplified by the sex pill you unknowingly took earlier. A fear of going too far mixed with the pleasure of her taking it out on you simply makes you need it more. You go back to the room and wait, barely containing yourself. Somehow, you did, and Catra finally comes back into the room.

"Are you out of your fucking mind? You almost got us caught! It's against Hordak to have any type of sexual interaction with a cadet as a Force Captain!" She scolds you, her eyes staring into yours. You place aside any fear for staring at those gorgeous, ferocious glares, sharp teeth and claws, and it takes no more than a second for her to notice and go straight to her usual intimidation and painful technique.

Catra x Female Reader (+18)Where stories live. Discover now