04 - Brother Dearest

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At the end of the day, everyone was taken to the hospital where they will be recovering. Thankfully, no one's life will be in danger and everyone will make a full recovery.

"You should go get yourself checked up too; you look terrible," I told Freed.

"Yeah, now I know to never mess with Mirajane again," Freed chuckled, "I thought I was gonna die." Ah... So he's the first one to experience the She-Devil's wrath after two years. "I'll be going now; watch over Laxus for me, okay?" he patted my head and left. I waved to Freed and flopped back down onto a chair in the room.

"For someone so smart, you're an idiot," I sighed and laid my head on an empty spot of the hospital bed. Why did you do all of this? Was it really just a way for you to sort out the strong and weak members of our guild? Did you really intend to take over? Were you worried when you heard that grandpa was dying? I had lots of questions for him, but I'm not sure how many of them will be answered. I honestly don't care how many of my questions will be answered, but I hope he'll at least tell me one thing: Why today? I know we never exactly had the greatest sibling relationship, but why today? Sometimes I wonder, does my brother hate me or something...?


When I was born, my brother was already eleven years old, and it was because of me that our mother had passed away. The first things I saw when I came into this world was the bright blonde hair and curious green eyes of my brother staring down at me; he was fascinated by the little baby in front of him. I didn't know who this person was, so I just giggled and reached out for the mysterious yellow substance in front of me.

"Her hands are so small," the boy said as he held out a finger for me to grab onto; it took both of my hands to even hold his finger properly, but it was pretty fun. "Oh, now she's laughing. Is this really fun?" he asked and poked my cheek.

"Laxus, she'll be your sister from now on, so take good care of her, okay?" our mother smiled weakly from the bed.

"Can I hold her?" he asked and the woman nodded. The doctors carefully showed him how to properly hold a baby, and it honestly felt weird being in his arms; he was clumsy and awkward, but it was nice and warm nevertheless. I was slowly adjusting to Laxus's hold, but for some reason this guy kept poking and squishing my cheeks, and honestly, it's kind of annoying.

"Hehe, she looks so annoyed," he chuckled but kept having his fun, making the adults giggle at his actions.

"How about you choose a name for her," our grandpa chuckled.

"Me?" the boy questioned, earning an approving nod from the others, "Hm... How about 'Levina' then? It's the name of the princess who uses lightning magic in a story I read," Laxus suggested and handed me back to our mother. Our mother and grandpa smiled happily at the name.

"That's a wonderful name, Laxus," our mother smiled, "Then to our precious Lightning Princess... my dear Levina...." The woman's arm grew limp and eventually dropped from my body.

"... M-Mom...?" Laxus whimpered as the doctors rushed in, "H-Hey mom.... Wake up.... Grandpa, what's wrong? What happened?" Something was wrong. What happened to her? Why isn't she moving?" The gloomy atmosphere made me burst out into tears as I was handed over to our grandpa to carry. I didn't understand anything back then, but now I know that our mother passed away soon after giving birth to me.

Growing up, our father was never around; it was to the point where I thought I didn't even have a father until I heard my brother address him as so. Although I was young, I was able to understand that the man we call our father doesn't like me very much nor does he care for me at all. I don't know if it's because I was the cause of his wife's death or he just genuinely sees no use for a weak daughter like myself. My entire life, the only family I knew of was my brother and grandpa, and I honestly don't need anyone else. When we were younger, Laxus and I lived with our grandpa, who raised us in place of our irresponsible father.

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