[CHRISTMAS SPECIAL] My Special Someone

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This chapter will be loosely based on the Christmas OVA from the anime


The thick blankets of snow covered the streets of Magnolia, and the town was also beautifully decorated to match the festive atmosphere. This year, to thank our town for always supporting us, Fairy Tail had volunteered to help with the Christmas decoration at the Kardia Cathedral, and I was a part of the baking team. Although my baking skills can still be a hit-or-miss, I had the Strauss sisters by my side to make sure the children in town eat only the best cookies.

"All ready to go?" Mira asked.

"Yeah! Let's head to the Cathedral!" Lisanna cheered as I knotted the final bow on the bag of Fairy Tail cookies. "I can't wait to see the decorations."

"Me neither," I chuckled as I ate one of the failed cookies. Although it wasn't pretty enough to give to the kids, it was still just as delicious and that's all that mattered.

Our trip from the guildhall to the cathedral was peaceful. We enjoyed watching the beautiful snow lightly fall, the children running around excitedly, the families enjoying a holiday outing, and the couples going on Christmas dates.

"Vina, are you and Sting doing anything special this year?" Lisanna asked.

"We don't have much planned, but he's coming over this year," I answered, huffing out a puff of frost.

"That's nice~ I wish I could spend Christmas with my boyfriend too. Too bad I don't have one," she pouted cutely.

"I'm sure a lot of guys in the guild would love to spend Christmas with you, Lis," I teased, making her blush a little.

"We're here!" Mira announced and immediately, all of the children gathered up for their cookies. "Don't push. Someone could get hurt."

"Line up, okay? There's enough for everyone," I said and started handing out the pouches of cookies to the kids.

"I hope there's some for me too~" A familiar pair of arms slithered around my waist and engulfed me in a much needed, warm hug.

"Yes, yes, there's enough for you too," I giggled and continued passing out the cookies. "When did you get here?"

"Just now. Lector is helping the other cats out with the windows," he answered and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. "You're so warm. Let me stay like this for a while."

"Go ahead," I smiled and slipped a pouch of cookies into his pocket. "Specially made for you. There are some for the other Saber members too, so give it to them when you go back."

"Thanks, Beans~" He gave me a little smooch on the cheek.

"What's up with all this PDA so early in the morning?" Cana clicked her tongue while chugging a bottle of alcohol. "It must be nice to have a boyfriend during this time of the year."

"What's up with all this alcohol so early in the morning...? And it's nice to have a boyfriend all year round, not just around Christmas," I said. "What happened to your blind date last week anyways?"

"He wasn't my type," she sighed and returned to drinking with grandpa in the cathedral. How are they drinking so much this early in the morning already...?

"Big Sis Vina! Handsome Big Brother! Merry Christmas!" Asuka cheered, making us chuckle at her cuteness.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Asuka. Here are your cookies," I smiled and handed her a pouch.

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