47 - All I'm Worth

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When we arrived at good ol' Magnolia, the guildhall was already rebuilt to how it looked before. Everyone was already there, rejoicing with their friends and celebrating our master's safe return. We all partied late into the night, but for some reason, I don't think I felt as happy and excited as everyone else. To be honest, my mind was still on Sabertooth and a little part of me regretted coming back. Now that I think about it, I don't think I really ever had as much fun here as I did in Sabertooth; I never really got along well with the other Fairy Tail members nor was I close to many. Aside from Laxus and the Thunder Legion, the only people I was ever remotely close to was Mira, Cana, and Lisanna.

"Everything alright?" Bickslow asked as he sat beside me.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit tired from the trip," I lied with a slight smile.

"I thought you'd be a bit happier with the Master back and all," Ever said.

"I am, but it's just... I don't know. It's complicated," I sighed and laid my head on the table.

"Wait, but Erza's the master now..." Bickslow suddenly remembered. Since when was Erza the master...? I guess that happened when they restarted the guild since they probably needed a name to put down on paper.

"If that's the case, he'll be... um... Mr. Makarov?" Freed said.

"That doesn't sound very right," Ever chuckled.

"Call him 'Master'. I'm stepping down," Erza announced and left to eat her strawberry cake that she was more than excited to have. How many times has he been revived now? From third to sixth, and now... eighth...?

"That's it. I'm never letting go of this position until I die," grandpa mumbled, making us all laugh.

"You said this before," Mira giggled.

"I can't believe you guys actually joined Blue Pegasus," Gray laughed as Freed elegantly poured him a drink.

"Entertaining customers wasn't too bad," Freed said.

"I think I prefer these rowdy pubs a bit more," Bickslow admitted.

"Um... Did Laxus do any... 'hospitality' work...?" Juvia asked.

"Once in a while," Ever answered, surprising the poor water mage.

"Yeah, and it was hilarious," I added, laughing at the memory.

"Shut up," Laxus growled and lightly knocked his mug against my head. I could only sigh at the expected reaction. Oh how I don't miss this at all. But nevertheless, the party continued on like no tomorrow; like usual, there were random fights going on throughout the freshly built building, furniture being thrown all over, fists being swung, some blood spilt, but laughter filled the air. This is what makes us Fairy Tail after all, and now that I'm experiencing it all again, I guess I did miss this feeling a little.

The excitement and chaos in the guildhall dissipated as a lone spotlight shined on the stage, illuminating our master with his head lowered to us all.

"I am terribly sorry, everyone. I selfishly disbanded the guild and took away your home, and it was all for nothing! Again, I am truly, very, very sorry for all of this. I've never felt such shame and regret!" the man apologized while gritting his teeth.

"Don't say that, master! We all had a chance to grow and learn from this experience!" Cana shouted from the crowd.

"It's not like you gained nothing from this trip, right? Because of you, we have a bit more information about our enemies, so it's better than nothing. You don't have to feel bad about this," I reassured and the others quickly agreed.

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