49 - Fairy Glitter

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Sting and I continued to roam through the unfamiliar terrain, trying our best to head north like the voice had instructed, but the distorted continent was not helping our situation. In the beginning of this war, our biggest advantage over our opponents was being on home ground, but now with everything out of place, we no longer have an upper hand in this battle.

"Is that the royal palace, Mercurius?!" Sting pointed to the familiar castle that stood tall next to Magnolia's famous Kardia Cathedral.

"Um... I know the voice said 'go north', but where exactly is north?" I sighed. Around us were a jumble of trees, mountains, buildings, and everything that's not supposed to be here.

"Don't you have a compass in your bag?"

"I think I dropped my bag somewhere earlier. Can you smell or see anything?"

"Not really. Let's keep going a bit further." Sting offered me his hand and we hiked through this random forest that had appeared in the middle of town, exhausting ourselves before even doing anything remotely significant. As if the unfamiliar scenery wasn't enough, the warm weather was suddenly replaced with a huge blizzard. Heavy wind carried blankets of snow everywhere until all we could see was white. Our eyes were drying up and frostbites slowly crept up our limbs. It was especially worse for Sting who was shirtless after his previous battle.

"Come here... So cold...." Sting shivered and pulled me closer to his chest, hoping to gain any warmth from my body, "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah... I'm alright... Just a bit hard to breathe," I whispered as a puff of frosty breath dissipated into the air.

"Get on my back. I'll carry you, so hold onto me for warmth," Sting suggested.

"What? No. You should save your strength and you're the one that's freezing right now," I protested, "And besides, I'm heavy too."

"No you're not. I'll be fine. Holding onto you will warm me up since your dress is pretty warm." Despite my words, Sting still crouched down, more than ready for me to climb onto his back, which I had no choice but to do.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yup. This actually feels a bit warmer," he flashed me a cheeky smile as we continued through the snowy blanket, "Hey, what do you think will happen after this war?"

"Well... Things will probably go back to how it was before, right? Is there anything you're looking forward to after this battle is over?" I asked. To be honest, my words would only be true if we win the war, and I hoped that by talking about a good future, it would push away my thoughts of any possible failure.

"Yeah, there's something I want to do together after this."

"And what might that be?"

"You'll see once this war is over. It'll be really fun, promise. You'll love it."

"Then, I'll be looking forward to whatever you have planned." I nuzzled my face against the side of his head before planting a soft kiss on his temple, trying my best to distract the both of us from the chaos all around. "There's something I want to do after this is all over too, so let's win this thing and have a happy future together."

"We'll win, no matter what. Vina, I-" Before he could finish his sentence, the endless carpet of snow melted and the deadly blizzard stopped.

"I guess someone defeated the wizard that was causing the snow storm..." I said and took a good look around us, fully taking in the green and warm scenery.

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