39 - Magazine

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Today was just another typical day at Sabertooth; everyone was lazing around, chatting and eating, some working and others not. Sting, Lector, and I had just returned from a job and were now helping Rogue finish up the last minute paperwork before we got in trouble.

"Can you start working with us, Master?" Rogue asked sarcastically, emphasizing the word 'master', hoping his partner would finally pick up the pen.

"I've been working!" Sting argued and shoved the paper into the shadow dragon's face.

"Write neater! No one can understand that!" Rogue growled.

"It is neat!"

"No it's not!" I could only sigh at the petty argument that I've, unfortunately, grown accustomed to. I gave the others a desperate glance, but they only gave me a pitiful look before turning their attention elsewhere.

"By the way, I don't know if I told you guys yet, but a reporter from Weekly Sorcerer will be here to do an exclusive on our guild," I suddenly remembered, catching their attention.

"Weekly Sorcerer?! You mean that super popular magazine?!" Sting exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes, "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!"

"You're the master, why don't you know?" Rogue scoffed, earning yet another glare from his white counterpart.

"Luckily I put extra effort into my makeup today," Minerva smiled as she checked her appearance in a small hand mirror.

"Lady Minerva is always pretty anyways," Yukino complimented, earning a satisfied smile from the territory mage.

"I'm guessing this means our cooking class can wait for tomorrow?" I chuckled and the girls nodded. Lately, Minerva, Yukino, and I have been attending a few cooking classes together to learn new recipes for the others; although Yukino and I were kind of dragged along with Minerva, we all ended up enjoying the lessons and have been returning for a few days now. It was a good chance for me to get a bit closer to the two, considering they are the only other girls in the guild I can comfortably talk to... sort of.

"Since the magazine will be featuring us, I gotta look extra cool today! Princess, whatcha think about this pose?" Orga asked.

".... Looks stupid," I stated bluntly and Rufus nodded in agreement, making the lightning mage sigh.

"You guys are so mean," Orga whined and slumped onto the wooden table.

"Would you rather hear a sarcastic sugar-coated comment?" I offered and was immediately refused.

"Oh, the reporter is here," Lector noted as all of our heads whipped towards the door.

"Cooooooooool~! I'm finally here! At the Sabertooth!" the reporter squealed while snapping pictures of our freshly cleaned interior. It was a pure coincidence that everyone cleaned the guildhall yesterday, but I guess our efforts will pay off.

"You're the reporter from Weekly Sorcerer?" Sting asked, but was immediately pulled into a hug.

"Yes! You're Sabertooth's master, Sting! How amazing it is to have such a young and handsome guild master!" the man cheered, bringing a cheeky smile onto Sting's face.

"Thanks! We're counting on you to make us look cool in your article!" Sting fist bumped the man.

"Of course! You can leave it to me!" The reporter gave Sting a confident thumbs up before snapping more pictures of our guildhall and members.

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