16 - Until We Meet Again

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The Grand Magic Games continued to be a pinch for Sabertooth, and Sting was doing as well as always. Compared to last year when I had to participate, being in the audience felt so much better since there was no pressure coming from your team and the crowd. The Games went as one would expect with Saber scoring in the top two for all surprise events and winning all of their battles easily. The first day of the Games ended with Saber in first place as usual. Not wanting to squeeze between the crowds of people later, I left the arena early while the closing ceremony was going on and waited for Sting by the exit.

"... Should I buy him some flowers...? Is it weird for girls to give guys flowers...?" I pondered to myself, "Well, whatever. If anything, he can just eat them." I headed over to a nearby flower shop and bought a bouquet of white roses for Sting, as a congratulations for doing well in today's event.

"Vina~!" Sting called out as he and Lector ran up to me excitedly, his teammates following behind him.

"Hey, you were great out there," I complimented, "Here, for you." I handed him the bouquet and smiled as his eyes lit up.

"For me? Thanks!" He happily accepted the flowers and immediately starts munching on the petals, causing his teammates' faces to scrunch up in horror.

"You're eating it..?"

"I-Is that not why she gave them to me...?" Sting questioned with a mouthful of petals, "Anyways, you haven't met the rest of my team yet, right?

"O-Oh, no..." I nervously smiled. I kinda don't have enough energy for more human interaction, though... My social battery is almost dead... Luckily for me, it doesn't seem like team Saber is very social either, with the exception of their lightning wizard, unfortunately.

"Miss me, Pri-"

"Don't call me that," I smiled at the green-haired man.

"Oh, don't be like that~ I know you miss me~" he winked and leaned closer to me, making me take a step back. So he's the type that enjoys annoying people. Great...

"Hey, back off, man!" Sting growled and defensively put a hand in front of me.

"Chill, Sting. The Princess and I have some history, don't we, hun'?" the man smirked.

"Do I know you?" I asked, "Hey Sting, let's go eat; I'm a bit hungry."

"Yeah, let's go," Sting shot the lightning mage a sharp glare before following me away from the group, "Sorry about him. Did he make you uncomfortable?"

"I don't like him," I sighed, "People like him drain my already limited energy."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I don't know why he's acting like that either," Sting apologized.

"It's okay. As long as I don't need to interact with him again, I'll be fine," I reassured him with a smile, "Should we get some snacks?"

"Sure. I know a good bakery around here," Sting said, "It has the chocolate eclairs that you love so much too." My eyes lit up in excitement at the mention of my favorite pastry, making Sting laugh. After buying ourselves some delicious snacks, we settled down at our usual fountain to finish our mini meal.

"Is Ms. Minerva not joining this year?" I asked.

"No, she left for a job before the Games started," Lector answered, "What about Fairy Tail? You guys aren't joining this year either."

"Our members didn't want to. 'I'd rather not waste any time participating in that junk when I could be making money' they said," I told him.

"I see. So, what do you want to do after this? Should we go see a movie?" Sting suggested. Before I could answer, a loud, stern voice called out for Sting as a stiff-looking older man approached us.

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