10 - When You're Gone

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Today was the second day of the Grand Magic Games, and as everyone had expected, Fairy Tail was dead last with only one point.

"Are you planning on joining today?" Droy asked me.

"We'll see," I answered and looked back towards the arena.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the second day of the Grand Magic Games! I'd like to introduce today's special guest, our very own, Princess Hisui! Your Highness, is there anything you'd like to say?" the emcee introduced.

"This is my first time watching the games up close, so I am looking forward to all the spectacular performances today!" the princess announced. Woah, she's really pretty; as expected of the princess.

"Thank you very much, Your Highness! To not keep everyone waiting, let's move straight into today's surprise event! Teams, please send in your contestants!" the emcee said.

"Can I try this?" I asked.

"Go ahead! Break a leg!" the others patted my back and sent me down to the arena. As the other participants entered the arena, the event was finally revealed.

"Today's surprise event will be a singing competition! Use your magic to create the most appealing performance! Rankings will be determined by votes from the audience as well as us, emcees. You have ten minutes to prepare for your performance. Now, contestants, please draw sticks to determine your order," the emcee explained. The pumpkin mascot waddled over to us and held out a cup with wooden sticks inside. Upon my turn, I pulled the stick with the number eight on it; I guess I'll be going last.

"Tch, seventh? I wanted to go first," the green haired man, who I recognize was a member of Sabertooth, clicked his tongue disappointedly, "What are you looking at, girlie? Wait- You're the girl that Sting's been trying to hit on!"

"W-What...?" I raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Saber's stand, only to see Sting with his back turned to the arena. Oh, his ears are red... My attention was turned back to the event when one of the staff members escorted me to a small private room to plan my performance.

"What song to sing...? What is singing...? Can I even sing?!" I sighed and slumped onto the chair. The most singing I've ever done in my entire life is in the shower for the soap bottles to hear, so I'm not even sure how good (or bad) I am. I know I'm not tone deaf at the very least, and I do know how to play the guitar... Maybe I can sing that song that I've been into lately? But my magic is more suited towards cool rock songs rather than something emotional... Unless... Is it okay if I make it rain? If I conjure a storm, it'll start raining.... Right? I guess I'll go with that.

"Ms. Levina, are you ready?" one of the staff members asked.

"Yes. Do you have a guitar?" I asked and he nodded. After reviewing the song I will perform a couple times, our ten minutes were up and we all returned to the arena, where eight chairs were prepared for us in order.

"Welcome back, contestants! Now without further ado, please give a big round of applause for our first performance, from Lamia Scale: Sherry Blendy!" the emcee announced. I sat back and tried to enjoy the performances from the other guilds, but my heart was beating at a thousand beats per second; my palms were getting sweaty and it was getting a bit difficult to breathe. My eyes were also not focusing. What if I mess up? Will they laugh at me? They'll definitely mock me... I'll become a laughing stock... Will the others be disappointed in me? I mean, this isn't even anything difficult, yet if I mess up... And I'm going after Saber, the forever champions, of all guilds... Whatever I do will definitely be a disappointment compared to theirs! My hands started rubbing one another, trying to ease my anxiousness, but it's not helping.

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