Kicked out pt 1

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Kyles POV
"M-mom, dad your back early" I said my voice cracking, I quickly cover me and Stan with blanket near by. Mom turns her back and says "thank you for telling us dear" to Wendy. Wendy gave a wicked smile and said "just wanted to let you know" and with a flip of her hair she was off. They walked and inside and locked the door. "Kyle your in big trouble young man, not only did you miss two weeks of school and run off, you had sex on our couch and took 2,000 dollars out of our bank account" she yelled. Stan looks back at me and I just shrugged I needed that money to buy some groceries and a few things for Ike and his crew. "I cant deal with you anymore" she yelled "pack your bags and leave". She looked serious. I grabbed the blanket and Stan grabbed for his clothes. "And Stan after your dressed, I need to have a word with you" she said. I ran up the stairs and got dressed and packed few of my things.
3rd pov
   Stan quickly got dressed in the bathroom and went to the living room waiting for him was bitch herself. "Stan" her voice like nails on a chalk board . "Yes" he said. "How long has been this going on" she asked. "How long has what been goin-". "DON'T PLAY DUMB! How long have you been doing this with Kyle" she said. "Um about 2 weeks or so" he replied. Sheila was about say something but she was interrupted by Kyle saying "I'm packed" he said. She gave me a dirty look and simply said. "Get out and never come back" she said. They went out the door.


Stan pov
    We were driving to.. I don't even know. Kyle just told me to drive till he told him to stop. When his mom kicked him out it was surprisingly calmer than he initially thought it would be. He knew that when those redheads were mad they were mad and can get quite vicious, we were in a comfortable silence, till I asked "why was she so calm? I thought she'd be throwing bottles and shit". He looked at me his eyes dull and it looked like life had left him. "Me and my mother have been having so many fights and squabbles that we both new that this day was coming, we were just waiting for when she literally had enough" he said emotionless "we both new it was coming so when it finally did she was more calm".
      " what are you going to do now" I asked. "I'm going to live with you" he said. I looked at him and smiled. He gave me his beautiful smile.


         "Well then let's go home"

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