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Stan POV
I had picked up Wendy and we were on our way to Kenny house. "Stan, you've been awfully quiet, what's wrong?" She asks. "It's Kyle..." I say but then was cut off from Wendy, "ugh it's always Kyle this and Kyle that, if I didn't know any better I think you were gay for him". "What!? No! It's just Kyle hasn't been to school this week, he's not at home and he won't answer my calls and I'm  worried about my FRIEND like anyone should be " I said. She pouts and says okay whatever. The drive rest of the way there was silent. Ugh if this was Bebe she would be putting up missing posters by now.
   We finally arrive at Kenny house and all four of them are already there. "So I'm going to have to bring Karen with me" Kenny says. "What! Whhhyyyyy?" Cart man asks. "Because I don't have a babysitter" Kenny says. "Ugh fine" cart man says. We get into my van and we follow Kenny Directions.
Le time skip

     "Kenny are you sure this is the right way?" I ask. We've been driving for hours. "Positive" he says. "Ugh this is pointless, let's just go hoommee" cartman says. "No! We're almost there" Kenny says. "You said that a long time ago let's just go home this place is obviously made up and this was a part of Kenny-" cartman says as we pull up to this outdoor party. "We're here" Kenny says. We all get out and walk up to the place. It was cool outdoor games, a place to and drink outdoor couches, a pool and a place we're you can drop off kids. Kenny gives Karen to a lady who is watching over them and yells "WHOS READY TO PARTY". We raise our hands say us.
     Since butters doesn't drink he's the designated driver and I give him the keys as I go get wasted.
Another le time skip

I'm not exactly drunk but I ain't sober. I stumble around trying to find where my friends went. And then I something that just breaks my heart. There's was this outdoor bed. And I see my girlfriend fucking a random dude as other people watch. Why would she cheat on me? And why In front of other people?
    Doesn't matter. I walk away from the party and start walking down the road. I wanted to drive home, but I couldn't because butters had my keys and I was in no condition to drive. I don't exactly know where I'm going but at this point I really don't care. I hope I get lost or hit by truck.
    I've been a good boyfriend why would she cheat? Did I do something wrong? And if I did why didn't she tell me? Am I that bad of a guy she'd do this to me? All these thoughts in my head I wasn't paying attention and almost got hit by a truck. Honestly I wish I got hit by the truck at least I feel better.
      I see a gas station up ahead. I walk closer and closer and I can see a figure. That figure looks awfully like, KYLE!? I got a closer look and it was! It's Kyle! And he's ok!
    I run up to him, "Kyle" I say. He looks at me as he was lighting a cigarette. "Stan!?" He says almost dropping his cigarette. I run up to him and give him the biggest hug. When I release him he looks me up and down.
        "Puffy eyes, head low, coat sleeves up and smells like whiskey" he says "I'm guessing Wendy broke up or cheated on you". Ah Kyle, looks at every little detail. I nod.
         "Come on let's go" he grabs my hand and we walk for about 25 minutes and we reach this big mansion. He gets out a key and opens it. And we walk in. "Dude who's place is this" I asked. "Oh just an olds friend house, she lets me stay here if I ever needed to" he says. He leads me to the living room and sets me on the couch.
      "I'll be right back" he says and goes into the other room. I sit down in silence for about 15 minutes and he comes back with food blankets and pillows. He sets the food down and then wraps me up with the blankets and puts the pillow behind my head.
     He turns on the tv, and puts on Terrance and Phillip. One of our favorite shows even though it was met for a younger audience. He then sits down with me. I wasn't really paying attention to the tv, I was more focused on Kyle. His beautiful red semi-curly hair, soft pale skin, cute freckles everywhere, those emerald green eyes, and his lips, his lips look so soft and plump. Kyle must of noticed me staring at him because he said "Stan I know I'm beautiful but you don't have to stare at me" he says and chuckles. I slightly blush. It was quite for awhile. Kyle broke the silence by saying "so what did Wendy do this time". I start to sob and he puts his hand on my shoulder "she cheated on me with a random person and fucked that person in front of a bunch of people" I say still sobbing. "Well she fucked up" he said. I look his way confused. "She has the most amazing boyfriend and yet she stupid enough to cheat" he says. "I'm not, I'm a bad boyfriend " I say. "No your not" he says. I scoff "yeah right, I'm stupid to think that I'm really lovable" I look down and then he grabs my face and makes me look at him straight in the eye and says "don't ever say that, EVER, you have always been lovable" I blush a light pink.  "Thanks ky" I say give if him a hug. "Of course dude that's what super best friends are for" he says. Friends, when I heard him say that I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. We watch a little bit more of Terrance and Philip. And then Kyle drifts off to sleep. I turn off the tv and I drift off to sleep as well.

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